Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Mr. Obama's Polls
After his health care victory, Mr. Obama's popularity with the nation continues it’s slow downhill slide according to the latest Associated Press-GfK poll. Not surprisingly, congressional Democrats are also loosing ground, giving quite a boost to Republican hopes for the mid-term elections. Currently just 49 percent of the electorate presently approve of the job Obama's doing, down from September’s 50% rating and way down from the 67% he enjoyed last February. The news is even worse for other Democrats. For the first time this year, Americans nearly equally approve of congressional Republicans as Democrats, 38 percent to 41 percent, and neither party has an edge. Democrats have also lost their advantage on matters economic, with people now trusting both parties about the same on that subject, which pretty well means “not much”.
Adding to the Democratic woes, Americans increasingly oppose the health care overhaul rammed through Congress by the Democrats, with roughly 50 percent of voters vehemently opposed, and a whole lot more of ‘em “somewhat opposed”. Despite official claims to the contrary, most people still take a dim view of the economy, with nearly 76 percent of our people rating it poor, and a lot of other folks are wondering if we’ve even got an economy! Things could get even worse for the Democrats, with one-third of the survey respondents considering themselves tea party supporters. Now, the liberal “evil triad” are threatening us with the “Cap and Trade” bill, and a “VAT tax”. If you think your taxes are high now, wait until these two dandies are passed! While the left refuses to believe in reality, the majority of American voters are either Republicans or right-leaning Independents. That means they are more likely to vote with the GOP in this fall's midterms, when base voters will be crucial amid the typical low turnout of a non-presidential election year. Even scarier from the politicians viewpoint, roughly half of American voters currently want to fire their own congressman.
With the electorate angry, Republicans enthusiastic, and Democrats seemingly less so, Obama's leftists increasingly fear they could lose control of the House, if not the Senate, in his first midterms. (As one commenter says, “one midterm, and only one term”.) The GOP is somewhat emboldened as voters warm to its opposition to much of Mr. O’s agenda. On the minds of both Democrats and Republicans is the political bloodletting in 1994 when the GOP seized control of Congress after two years of “Billary” Clinton liberalism. But the best news for Democrats is that it's only April — a long way to November, particularly with the voters notoriously short memory. Still, persuading irate voters to keep the status quo will be no easy task for the Democrats, given that most people recall the details of the health care battle, and that neither the economy, or the unemployment rate, is likely to improve by voting season.
As a reminder to the fence-sitters who are “to busy”, or that are just lazy to get involved in our national politics, I’ll throw this item in… There is a quotation attributed to President Theodore Roosevelt, which has become somewhat of a mantra to our military special operations folks through the years. Still, it does pertain to nearly everything we, as Americans, set out minds to do despite entrenched opposition. As an old special ops type myself, I believe these words of wisdom, and they have a rather special place in my heart. President Roosevelt said that:
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
While I’ve been in more than one fight in my life, and lost quite a few of those, I’ve never been known to go out looking for problems. But I’ve got a bad habit, probably inherited from my Irish ancestors, of not backing down from anybody when I think they’re wrong. At present, I darn well think that the radical Democrats currently in power, and their planned socialization of America, are dead wrong. So folks, don’t look for me to roll over and play dead for anybody. I may loose the war, but I’ll fight anyone who would destroy my country and the freedom we enjoy under the Constitution, for as long as I can still write, and as long as breath remains in my body. I started fighting the enemies of our nation, our Constitution, and our way of life fifty years ago when the Cold War was booming, and I certainly don’t plan to roll over and play dead now just because of recently attaining “old geezer” status. I’ve walked in harm's way for this nation in the past, and once again I’m willing to do so. If being a dissenter makes me a potential terrorist, or a threat to the man with three Muslim names, so be it. Despite his oath of office, Barack Hussein Obama... REFUSES to honor the Constitution... REFUSES to prove that he is not a FRAUD and a USURPER... REFUSES to prove that the orders he gives our men and women in uniform are lawful... and REFUSES to release his actual birth certificate.
Adding to the Democratic woes, Americans increasingly oppose the health care overhaul rammed through Congress by the Democrats, with roughly 50 percent of voters vehemently opposed, and a whole lot more of ‘em “somewhat opposed”. Despite official claims to the contrary, most people still take a dim view of the economy, with nearly 76 percent of our people rating it poor, and a lot of other folks are wondering if we’ve even got an economy! Things could get even worse for the Democrats, with one-third of the survey respondents considering themselves tea party supporters. Now, the liberal “evil triad” are threatening us with the “Cap and Trade” bill, and a “VAT tax”. If you think your taxes are high now, wait until these two dandies are passed! While the left refuses to believe in reality, the majority of American voters are either Republicans or right-leaning Independents. That means they are more likely to vote with the GOP in this fall's midterms, when base voters will be crucial amid the typical low turnout of a non-presidential election year. Even scarier from the politicians viewpoint, roughly half of American voters currently want to fire their own congressman.
With the electorate angry, Republicans enthusiastic, and Democrats seemingly less so, Obama's leftists increasingly fear they could lose control of the House, if not the Senate, in his first midterms. (As one commenter says, “one midterm, and only one term”.) The GOP is somewhat emboldened as voters warm to its opposition to much of Mr. O’s agenda. On the minds of both Democrats and Republicans is the political bloodletting in 1994 when the GOP seized control of Congress after two years of “Billary” Clinton liberalism. But the best news for Democrats is that it's only April — a long way to November, particularly with the voters notoriously short memory. Still, persuading irate voters to keep the status quo will be no easy task for the Democrats, given that most people recall the details of the health care battle, and that neither the economy, or the unemployment rate, is likely to improve by voting season.
As a reminder to the fence-sitters who are “to busy”, or that are just lazy to get involved in our national politics, I’ll throw this item in… There is a quotation attributed to President Theodore Roosevelt, which has become somewhat of a mantra to our military special operations folks through the years. Still, it does pertain to nearly everything we, as Americans, set out minds to do despite entrenched opposition. As an old special ops type myself, I believe these words of wisdom, and they have a rather special place in my heart. President Roosevelt said that:
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
While I’ve been in more than one fight in my life, and lost quite a few of those, I’ve never been known to go out looking for problems. But I’ve got a bad habit, probably inherited from my Irish ancestors, of not backing down from anybody when I think they’re wrong. At present, I darn well think that the radical Democrats currently in power, and their planned socialization of America, are dead wrong. So folks, don’t look for me to roll over and play dead for anybody. I may loose the war, but I’ll fight anyone who would destroy my country and the freedom we enjoy under the Constitution, for as long as I can still write, and as long as breath remains in my body. I started fighting the enemies of our nation, our Constitution, and our way of life fifty years ago when the Cold War was booming, and I certainly don’t plan to roll over and play dead now just because of recently attaining “old geezer” status. I’ve walked in harm's way for this nation in the past, and once again I’m willing to do so. If being a dissenter makes me a potential terrorist, or a threat to the man with three Muslim names, so be it. Despite his oath of office, Barack Hussein Obama... REFUSES to honor the Constitution... REFUSES to prove that he is not a FRAUD and a USURPER... REFUSES to prove that the orders he gives our men and women in uniform are lawful... and REFUSES to release his actual birth certificate.
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