Monday, May 10, 2010


Even with the commotion over Arizona’s new illegal alien law, I for one find it very hard to understand the position taken by so many people in this country. We’re sometimes told that this ongoing flood of illegals is a wonderful thing for our country. “Oh?” I might ask “In what way?” First-off I’ll be told that among other things “These are people who will take the jobs most Americans don’t want.” Or, “Our national work force is rapidly aging, and these immigrants bring in badly needed young blood.” With that, they stay out of trouble I’ve heard, they use few public services and they don’t vote. Hmmm… Well, first and foremost, all of these people are criminals, pure and simple. They have violated our laws by sneaking into our country. Granted that they probably have what they consider to be very good reason for coming to the “promised land” in any way they can (and under the circumstances they face I might be temped to try as well), but they are still in violation of our laws. And no country that I’ve ever heard of wants a criminal, no matter how minor the charge, as an immigrant.

America is unique in that it was founded by immigrants a great many other countries. Those immigrants had a dream of individual liberty, they had a work ethic, moral values, fortitude, and a pioneering spirit. Most of those immigrants came here by choice, despite the dangers of crossing a stormy ocean in a slow and often leaky boat. All eventually integrated themselves into a uniquely American society and became a homogenous people. They, and their descendents, ultimately became "One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all." Many of our modern immigrants to the United States are not much different. Today’s illegals however, have no apparent desire to become a part of America, as they usually huddle together in assorted barrios, ghettoes, or whatever, and doggedly hold on to the culture they came from, even demanding that we learn to speak their language and do things “their way”. This “culturalism” is showing up as a rapidly increasing Balkanization of the US. In return, what does America get from this flood of illegals, besides a slightly lower price for tomatoes? For one, we can see a massive increase in crime, such as the drug smuggling that recently cost Arizona a murdered rancher and a severely wounded Deputy Sheriff, or even the flood of MS-13 gang members from Central America who are slipping into our larger cities and more populous states. This upswing also leads to a major surge in foreign nationals incarcerated in our prison system, prisoners that taxpayers will have to support for years on end. With no control over our borders, we’re seeing the introduction of many third world diseases that our medical community is ill prepared to handle. We see a dramatic and detrimental impact on our national society and infrastructure, which includes our overcrowded educational system, while we also face greatly increased welfare costs. An even worse threat in the short term is that our porous borders have become an easy conduit for terrorists entering the country. (Remember, three of the four 9/11 terrorist “pilots” were in this country illegally.)

Very few Americans are opposed to reasonable legal immigration, regardless of race, nationality or ethnicity, but with the possible exception of the Swedish Bikini Team, most Americans are against illegal immigration, again regardless of race, nationality or ethnicity. We might further note that illegal aliens are not just a "Mexican" or "Hispanic" problem as they come from all corners of the world. In 2004, the Border Patrol arrested 65,814 “OTM’s” (Other Than Mexican) along our southwest border. However, at the present time, most of these illegal aliens are Hispanic, a result of geography and the poor economic conditions south of our border more than anything else. Acknowledging this fact is not prejudiced, racist, xenophobic, or bigoted, despite the “political correctness” being forced upon us by the loony left.

Part of the reason the Soviet Union collapsed is that it was far to large geographically, and to diverse culturally, to be effectively controlled by any centralized government. Here in the US we’re seeing the beginnings of a somewhat similar situation. For the last hundred and fifty years our government has become more and more centralized, with the federals assuming a very large portion of the authority supposedly assigned to the several states. And now, with this huge influx of illegals, we are definitely seeing the development of a highly diverse population! Unfortunately for America, diversity does lead to “Balkanization”. East-Central Europe consists of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria and Greece. Nearly a hundred million people live in those countries, divided into more than a dozen (and many minor) ethnic groups, each with their own particular language and culture. Adding to the confusion is the division along religious lines, predominately (but not limited to) Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Muslim. For hundreds of years, particularly vicious wars, and spells of “ethnic cleansing”, have regularly boiled up in the region, brought on by assorted (real or perceived) “tribal” conflicts that have generally embroiled the rest of Europe, and have twice in the last century entangled the remainder of the civilized world as well.

Cultural diversity, a liberal goal that we see developing in the United States today, brings with it a seriously fragmented society that has no sense of community, and a generally very low moral. With that shattered community sense, it’s nearly impossible for any community to find the will to suppress public obscenity, punish crime, reform welfare, expect any sort of public morality, or resist the insistent demands of self-proclaimed “victim” groups for preferential treatment. Or even to maintain any reasonable standards of reason. That’s what we are looking at today… and what will we see tomorrow?

If our congressional representatives had gonads only slightly larger than a pair of English peas, they would be doing their job of protecting America, Americans, and our culture, despite the apparent desire of the White House to ignore what has become a quite serious problem. But, in any case, we can feel safe knowing that illegal aliens are simply “Undocumented Democrats” who are hard working contributors to American society, and that are only doing the jobs Americans won't do.

Or can we?

1 comment:

deerhunter said...

What the hell is the sense in trying to close the borders when YOU and all the rest of companies and manufactures invite them in..When people like me and others know and say what we have to do and then back it up with and the others can not give a logical answer and immediatly start calling us "racists' or some religious crap..Dial a State or Gov-office and you are asked to punch 1 for english-buy anything in the store and instructions are in spanish,go to hospital and signs are spanish etc etc..Ive lived in Idaho and WA for half a century and those people do not care how customs are here..Hell Ive seen them kill and cook a goat right in town.I,m getting pissed.I,m out of here..I could go on for hours.