Sunday, May 16, 2010

Remember November

The “tea party” movement can carve yet another notch in its (hypothetical) pistol grip. The election of Republican Scott Brown of Massachusetts to Ted Kennedy’s long held seat sent a tremor through the DNC, and a warning to the RNC. Now, at Utah’s GOP nominating convention, incumbent Sen. Bob Bennett came in a distant third behind other Republican candidates. A political earthquake has been rumbling, and with Sen. Bennett’s demise (and Orrin Hatch’s future in doubt as well), that quake is thankfully growing in intensity. The TEA movement has been instrumental in several election campaigns, despite losing only a few more. The next Tea Party target is, I understand, the Kentucky Republican establishment.

According to University of Wisconsin political scientist Charles Franklin, "The tea party movement has achieved a prominence in the conversation in part because of the silence from the traditional elected Republican leadership, and now that leadership has been driven right by tea party rhetoric." Perhaps so, but as far as I can see, the Tea Partiers are a big chunk of the “Silent Majority” that’s been lurking in the shadows for decades. The difference now is that they finally got fed-up with the business as usual runaround in Washington, and are finally making their voices heard. Franklin went on to say "That has moved the party in the tea party direction, but it can't help but also bring the tea party a little bit closer to the political mainstream." No, I don’t think they ever left, they just got almighty tired of the shenanigans. And the “TEA Party” isn’t a political party as such, or at least it’s about as disorganized as any organization I’ve ever seen! It’s purely a “movement”, much the same as the Ron Paul supporters were, and I’d guess it appeals to many of the same people.

And you just know its effects are being felt across the political spectrum, particularly when the Democratic Governors Association is hysterical calling the Tea Party a “political terrorist” organization. ‘Course if I was a member of the Democratic Party, I guess anybody that didn’t agree with me about Mr. O’s “change” could be considered a terrorist. At least that sounds like something that team Obama would come up with. The Democratic Governors Association is demanding that the Republican Governors Association remove an online video that the DGA claims glorifies domestic political terrorism. "In light of the dangerous overtones of their radical 'Remember November' video, we are calling on Haley Barbour and the Republican Governors Association to put a stop to this ad now," Nathan Daschle, executive director of the Democratic Governors Association, said in a Huffington Post statement. The RGA had opened a website, “” that used the story and symbolism of 17th-century British radical Guy Fawkes, an anti-government terrorist who attempted to blow up the Parliament and kill King James I. The RGA video did not promote political terrorism, just the concept of a sweeping change in government. RGA spokesman Mike Schrimpf said "The DGA deserves an Oscar for their wild imagination and faux outrage. The only thing incendiary about the video is their response."

The best I can determine is that the key words the Democrats find offensive are "Remember November"... and that couldn’t possibly have anything to do with upcoming elections, and some changes in Washington now could it? No, it makes much better press to think of “POLITICAL TERRORISM” launched against the democratic majority in congress. After-all, the Democrats are the party of victims (real or imaginary) and replacing a few democratic incumbents makes them yet another group of victims! But then Mr. Obama’s well known idea of "fundamentally changing" America is in no way, shape, or form "Political Terrorism" because "the One" knows so much better than "we the common people" do about what’s best for us.

Sen. Bennett isn’t a victim of the Tea Party, but rather he’s a victim of his own wistful thinking. A veteran conservative, influential in the party's inner councils, and tossed out in large measure because he voted for the financial bailout legislation of 2008 in defiance of the voters wishes (and later stated that he’d have voted the same way even if he’d known it would cost him his seat). Some people have said they were unhappy with Bennett’s co-sponsoring legislation requiring individuals to purchase health insurance, while others noted he had once pledged to serve only two terms.

Establishment politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, seem to think that if they take care of themselves and a few vested interests that all will be well. They forget that the vast majority of the unwashed masses (read “electorate”) don’t own large parts of the stock market or investment banks. We’re not impressed with government failures such as the FEMA response to Katrina or the fluttering of hands and panicky search for scapegoats. In particular we object to the insinuation that we’re to dumb to see that government is busily taking life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness away from us. We object to corrupt officials and special treatment for any elected official. Many of us, including myself, object to government intrusion into our private lives, which government is increasingly prone to do.

A memo to RGA and the Tea Party folks might read: “No backing down. Are the Democrats the only ones allowed to rally to a cause, to protest, to try and make change, and have it be genuine? If anyone else tries it I suppose, like say… the tea partiers, I guess its just misguided political terrorism from the Radical Right? The Left hates bare-knuckle politics because it’s effective and they want exclusive rights to its use. Perhaps the left is indeed terrified… terrified that a good chunk of the American population has finally woken up, and are concerned that the nation is heading down the wrong path. Perhaps they’re terrified that they may actually have to answer for their legislation and policies. Or perhaps they’re just terrified for their political careers.”

“Remember November” does sound like a threat I guess, to any politician that consistently ignores the wishes of his (or her) constituents. Still, I rather like the old TV show punch line “No threat, just a promise”.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Even with the commotion over Arizona’s new illegal alien law, I for one find it very hard to understand the position taken by so many people in this country. We’re sometimes told that this ongoing flood of illegals is a wonderful thing for our country. “Oh?” I might ask “In what way?” First-off I’ll be told that among other things “These are people who will take the jobs most Americans don’t want.” Or, “Our national work force is rapidly aging, and these immigrants bring in badly needed young blood.” With that, they stay out of trouble I’ve heard, they use few public services and they don’t vote. Hmmm… Well, first and foremost, all of these people are criminals, pure and simple. They have violated our laws by sneaking into our country. Granted that they probably have what they consider to be very good reason for coming to the “promised land” in any way they can (and under the circumstances they face I might be temped to try as well), but they are still in violation of our laws. And no country that I’ve ever heard of wants a criminal, no matter how minor the charge, as an immigrant.

America is unique in that it was founded by immigrants a great many other countries. Those immigrants had a dream of individual liberty, they had a work ethic, moral values, fortitude, and a pioneering spirit. Most of those immigrants came here by choice, despite the dangers of crossing a stormy ocean in a slow and often leaky boat. All eventually integrated themselves into a uniquely American society and became a homogenous people. They, and their descendents, ultimately became "One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all." Many of our modern immigrants to the United States are not much different. Today’s illegals however, have no apparent desire to become a part of America, as they usually huddle together in assorted barrios, ghettoes, or whatever, and doggedly hold on to the culture they came from, even demanding that we learn to speak their language and do things “their way”. This “culturalism” is showing up as a rapidly increasing Balkanization of the US. In return, what does America get from this flood of illegals, besides a slightly lower price for tomatoes? For one, we can see a massive increase in crime, such as the drug smuggling that recently cost Arizona a murdered rancher and a severely wounded Deputy Sheriff, or even the flood of MS-13 gang members from Central America who are slipping into our larger cities and more populous states. This upswing also leads to a major surge in foreign nationals incarcerated in our prison system, prisoners that taxpayers will have to support for years on end. With no control over our borders, we’re seeing the introduction of many third world diseases that our medical community is ill prepared to handle. We see a dramatic and detrimental impact on our national society and infrastructure, which includes our overcrowded educational system, while we also face greatly increased welfare costs. An even worse threat in the short term is that our porous borders have become an easy conduit for terrorists entering the country. (Remember, three of the four 9/11 terrorist “pilots” were in this country illegally.)

Very few Americans are opposed to reasonable legal immigration, regardless of race, nationality or ethnicity, but with the possible exception of the Swedish Bikini Team, most Americans are against illegal immigration, again regardless of race, nationality or ethnicity. We might further note that illegal aliens are not just a "Mexican" or "Hispanic" problem as they come from all corners of the world. In 2004, the Border Patrol arrested 65,814 “OTM’s” (Other Than Mexican) along our southwest border. However, at the present time, most of these illegal aliens are Hispanic, a result of geography and the poor economic conditions south of our border more than anything else. Acknowledging this fact is not prejudiced, racist, xenophobic, or bigoted, despite the “political correctness” being forced upon us by the loony left.

Part of the reason the Soviet Union collapsed is that it was far to large geographically, and to diverse culturally, to be effectively controlled by any centralized government. Here in the US we’re seeing the beginnings of a somewhat similar situation. For the last hundred and fifty years our government has become more and more centralized, with the federals assuming a very large portion of the authority supposedly assigned to the several states. And now, with this huge influx of illegals, we are definitely seeing the development of a highly diverse population! Unfortunately for America, diversity does lead to “Balkanization”. East-Central Europe consists of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria and Greece. Nearly a hundred million people live in those countries, divided into more than a dozen (and many minor) ethnic groups, each with their own particular language and culture. Adding to the confusion is the division along religious lines, predominately (but not limited to) Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Muslim. For hundreds of years, particularly vicious wars, and spells of “ethnic cleansing”, have regularly boiled up in the region, brought on by assorted (real or perceived) “tribal” conflicts that have generally embroiled the rest of Europe, and have twice in the last century entangled the remainder of the civilized world as well.

Cultural diversity, a liberal goal that we see developing in the United States today, brings with it a seriously fragmented society that has no sense of community, and a generally very low moral. With that shattered community sense, it’s nearly impossible for any community to find the will to suppress public obscenity, punish crime, reform welfare, expect any sort of public morality, or resist the insistent demands of self-proclaimed “victim” groups for preferential treatment. Or even to maintain any reasonable standards of reason. That’s what we are looking at today… and what will we see tomorrow?

If our congressional representatives had gonads only slightly larger than a pair of English peas, they would be doing their job of protecting America, Americans, and our culture, despite the apparent desire of the White House to ignore what has become a quite serious problem. But, in any case, we can feel safe knowing that illegal aliens are simply “Undocumented Democrats” who are hard working contributors to American society, and that are only doing the jobs Americans won't do.

Or can we?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


We’ve finally found something to debate that at least some Republicans and some Democrats can disagree on equally. Arizona's tough new law targeting illegal immigrants seems to have stirred up a raging bipartisan political inferno. Gov. Jan Brewer on Friday signed into law a bill that requires police to question people about their immigration status if they have reason to suspect that someone is an illegal alien. The Governor insists that the bill will be implemented with no tolerance for racial profiling, but it’s causing fears among some legal immigrants and some U.S. citizens that they'll be targeted by police just because they look Hispanic. (I rather doubt that Arizona’s cops have so much spare time that they’ll be out hassling “Hispanic looking people” just to pass the time!) Supporters of the bill claim it will take the handcuffs off police in dealing with illegal immigration and drug smuggling from Mexico. Arizona is the nations most heavily traveled entry point for both human and drug smugglers, while being home to an estimated half a million illegal immigrants. Maricopa County’s Attorney General reveals that in 2007, illegal immigrants accounted for: 10% of sex crimes convictions, 11% of murders convictions, 13% of stolen cars convictions, 13% of aggravated assaults convictions, 17% of those sentenced for violent crimes, 19% of those sentenced for property crimes, 20% of those sentenced for felony DUI, 21% of crimes committed with weapons, 34% of those sentenced for the manufacture, sale or transport of drugs, 36% of those sentenced for kidnapping, 44% of forgeries, 50% of those sentenced for crimes related to “chop shops”, 85% of false ID convictions, and 96% of smuggling convictions. Illegals make up 19 percent of those convicted of crimes in Maricopa County and 21 percent of those in county jails, while being an estimated 9 percent of the county’s population. The estimates are that each violent crime cost the county $20,000, and property crimes cost $4363 per offense. That’s a lot of taxpayers dollars being wasted on a problem that the US Government should have solved years ago! Gov. Brewer said that; "We in Arizona have been more than patient waiting for Washington to act. But decades of inaction and misguided policy have created a dangerous and unacceptable situation." The feds in the meantime claim the new state law is “overreacting”, “premature”, and “ill-conceived”. At the same time, Mr. Obama has ordered a federal investigation to determine if the law is illegal.

I applaud the Governor of Arizona, for with the stroke of the pen she has brought to a head the festering boil that no administration, and certainly not our “do-nothing” congress has had any desire to deal with. Certainly I don’t think that the question of illegal aliens is something that the individual states should have to deal with. But as the federal government will not make an effort to control the situation, then the individual states will have to. I have no animosity towards legal aliens, or Mexican immigrants (or any immigrants for that mater). But, as the situation in Arizona indicates, our nation is being inundated with illegal aliens, and that is just what these people are, ALIENS, not immigrants! Immigrants are by definition here legally, while illegal aliens are not.

We are told that they take the jobs that “Americans don’t want”. Yet how many Americans, immigrant or natural born, are literally pleading for jobs, any jobs, today! Personally I know several of those Americans who would be quite happy with any job, low paying or not. The trick is that the illegals hold those “low paying jobs”, with the low pay being held that way artificially by employers who well know that these people are not going to complain to the NLRB! The vast majority of them do not pay taxes, but they enjoy the benefits of living in this country. The LA Times claims that over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers. 40% of all workers in L. A. County are working for cash and not paying taxes, because they are predominantly illegal aliens working without a green card. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegals. At the same time, 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens. Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally. (All of these facts were published in the Los Angeles Times) Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare.

Arizona’s new law makes illegal immigration a state crime and gives police the authority to question people about their immigration status. Now of course we have any number of “Do-Gooders” and “Bleeding Hearts” proclaiming that Arizona’s action is oh so terrible in that it will lead to profiling, and forcing suspects to show proof that they are in this country legally. The Mexican government is upset, assorted congressmen are upset, and the leftist media has opened the floodgates in the crocodile tears department. News reports of rioting leftist protestors don’t mention that most of those “protestors” were Hispanics bussed in from southern California, as the vast majority of Arizona residents support the bill. I also seem to recall that AZ has a quite large population of legal Hispanics… just how did they let their legislators pass a law to enforce immigration policies, unless they don't like illegal immigration either? Rev. Al $harpton has said that he will go to Arizona to lead a civil disobedience demonstration, and I’d suspect that Rev. Je$$e Jack$on will probably show up as well.

We certainly live in interesting times, but there's no doubt Americans are fed up with "business as usual" in Washington. Are Americans beginning to feel in 2010 that our government is treating us unfairly, as did the Confederate citizens of a hundred and fifty years ago?

Mr. Obama's Polls

After his health care victory, Mr. Obama's popularity with the nation continues it’s slow downhill slide according to the latest Associated Press-GfK poll. Not surprisingly, congressional Democrats are also loosing ground, giving quite a boost to Republican hopes for the mid-term elections. Currently just 49 percent of the electorate presently approve of the job Obama's doing, down from September’s 50% rating and way down from the 67% he enjoyed last February. The news is even worse for other Democrats. For the first time this year, Americans nearly equally approve of congressional Republicans as Democrats, 38 percent to 41 percent, and neither party has an edge. Democrats have also lost their advantage on matters economic, with people now trusting both parties about the same on that subject, which pretty well means “not much”.

Adding to the Democratic woes, Americans increasingly oppose the health care overhaul rammed through Congress by the Democrats, with roughly 50 percent of voters vehemently opposed, and a whole lot more of ‘em “somewhat opposed”. Despite official claims to the contrary, most people still take a dim view of the economy, with nearly 76 percent of our people rating it poor, and a lot of other folks are wondering if we’ve even got an economy! Things could get even worse for the Democrats, with one-third of the survey respondents considering themselves tea party supporters. Now, the liberal “evil triad” are threatening us with the “Cap and Trade” bill, and a “VAT tax”. If you think your taxes are high now, wait until these two dandies are passed! While the left refuses to believe in reality, the majority of American voters are either Republicans or right-leaning Independents. That means they are more likely to vote with the GOP in this fall's midterms, when base voters will be crucial amid the typical low turnout of a non-presidential election year. Even scarier from the politicians viewpoint, roughly half of American voters currently want to fire their own congressman.

With the electorate angry, Republicans enthusiastic, and Democrats seemingly less so, Obama's leftists increasingly fear they could lose control of the House, if not the Senate, in his first midterms. (As one commenter says, “one midterm, and only one term”.) The GOP is somewhat emboldened as voters warm to its opposition to much of Mr. O’s agenda. On the minds of both Democrats and Republicans is the political bloodletting in 1994 when the GOP seized control of Congress after two years of “Billary” Clinton liberalism. But the best news for Democrats is that it's only April — a long way to November, particularly with the voters notoriously short memory. Still, persuading irate voters to keep the status quo will be no easy task for the Democrats, given that most people recall the details of the health care battle, and that neither the economy, or the unemployment rate, is likely to improve by voting season.

As a reminder to the fence-sitters who are “to busy”, or that are just lazy to get involved in our national politics, I’ll throw this item in… There is a quotation attributed to President Theodore Roosevelt, which has become somewhat of a mantra to our military special operations folks through the years. Still, it does pertain to nearly everything we, as Americans, set out minds to do despite entrenched opposition. As an old special ops type myself, I believe these words of wisdom, and they have a rather special place in my heart. President Roosevelt said that:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

While I’ve been in more than one fight in my life, and lost quite a few of those, I’ve never been known to go out looking for problems. But I’ve got a bad habit, probably inherited from my Irish ancestors, of not backing down from anybody when I think they’re wrong. At present, I darn well think that the radical Democrats currently in power, and their planned socialization of America, are dead wrong. So folks, don’t look for me to roll over and play dead for anybody. I may loose the war, but I’ll fight anyone who would destroy my country and the freedom we enjoy under the Constitution, for as long as I can still write, and as long as breath remains in my body. I started fighting the enemies of our nation, our Constitution, and our way of life fifty years ago when the Cold War was booming, and I certainly don’t plan to roll over and play dead now just because of recently attaining “old geezer” status. I’ve walked in harm's way for this nation in the past, and once again I’m willing to do so. If being a dissenter makes me a potential terrorist, or a threat to the man with three Muslim names, so be it. Despite his oath of office, Barack Hussein Obama... REFUSES to honor the Constitution... REFUSES to prove that he is not a FRAUD and a USURPER... REFUSES to prove that the orders he gives our men and women in uniform are lawful... and REFUSES to release his actual birth certificate.