Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Obama's Here
We’ve just finished a particularly long and messy presidential election campaign, that’s been about as bad as any I remember seeing. Barack Hussein Obama will soon be our new president, which has the Democrats (and the Europeans) dancing in the streets, while the hard core Republicans are standing around in shock. A combination of disillusionment with eight years of George Bush’s marginally successful neo-conservative policies, a failing economy, and overall disappointment with John McCain pretty well doomed the republican chances of winning at the federal level. Could some other republican have led the GOP to victory? Perhaps. It’s to late to worry about that however, because now we’re faced with four years of Obama / Reid / Pelosi, and a liberal agenda that I for one am very much afraid is going to end our countries days as a great nation. ‘Course I pretty much said the same thing when Slick Willy Clinton got himself elected, and while the country didn’t exactly fall apart, things went downhill in a hurry as far as I was concerned. I will, as every American should, support our duely elected president as best I can, irreguardless of my personal feelings. However, there is always the next election, and a lot of hard work coming up in order to get my prefered candidates (whoever they turn out to be) elected.
Our new President has a lot of problems on his plate, and I do not envy him at all. At the moment our nations economy is somewhere in the basement, our national debt (depending on who you listen to) is somewhere between seven and fifteen trillion dollars, we’ve got a nearly trillion dollar bank bailout to pay for, escallating prices, two wars going on, an energy crisis that can only get worse, a rapidly swelling federal government, sabre rattling from Iran and North Korea, a resurgent Russia, massive trade imballances, an ageing infrasructure, a flood of illegal immigration, and a whole lot of disalusioned citizens grumbling and growling about the present turn of events.
With Obama’s pre-election tax plan, 95% of American taxpayers (those making under $250,000 a year) are supposed to get a tax cut. Naturally the remaining 5% of our population, who already pay for the vast majority of our government, will see their taxes raised yet again. This is called “redistributing the wealth” in democratic circles, but in reality does little more than take from the wealthy and give to the government… Spread the wealth around? Do the Democrats really believe the government can do a better job of spending my money than I could, and that business should not be allowed to make profits for the owners? That idea didn’t work for the Russians under communism either. Tax cuts huh? Okay, and just how are little things like increased gasoline taxes, windfall profits taxes, capitol gains taxes, death taxes, assorted “sin taxes”, and “carbon taxes” going to affect all of us? How much is social security and free medical care for twelve million illegal immigrants going to cost us? Hang on to your wallets folks, the long arm of a liberal idealistic world is reaching for your pocket.
What else does the new democratic regime have in mind for us? Well, it’s going to be hard to accurately forecast this soon, but one bright idea is to take “freedom of choice” away from the working stiff. It won’t matter if you want to unionize your job or not, as the big labor czar’s will be able to walk in and take over at will under the new “Union Supremacy” ideas which not incidentally also eliminate any “secret ballot” ideas we might have in the union hall. Then of course we’re going to have the new rules about political campaigning on radio and TV. Which, boiled down to the nitty-gritty means that if Pat Buchanan doesn’t spend exactly the same amount of time pedaling half baked liberal ideas as he spends plugging conservative ideals, he won’t be allowed on the air. And by the way, any required media advertising for the “opposition” would naturally be free of charge. (I think I’m going to start learning how to write handbills and broadsides... after all, they worked for Tom Paine. If you don’t know who he was, you definitely need to study American history!) Filibustering has never been a political maneuver I particularly cared for either, but it is a legitimate “last ditch” effort to stop some political action that might be found particularly abhorrent. With an effective one-party rule in Washington, that idea can be written off as well. I would expect unemployment to rise as the military is downsized yet again and a few hundred thousand unemployed soldiers are dumped on the streets.
Something else that will affect all parts of the media, and probably private conversation as well, will be “political correctness”. All you have to do is remember that freedom of speech is a fine and wondrous thing, as long as nobody could possibly be offended by your words, either in public or in private. Conversation is going to become pretty bland I’m afraid. Porous borders will become even more the norm, considering that we’ve already been told to “learn to speak Spanish” you might remember. Al Bore and global warming will probably become our new national religion I suspect, even if the folks who can't tell us if it’s going to rain next weekend can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt within ten years if I don't start driving a “green” car. Organized religion will probably take a pretty good hit as well, particularly Christianity. And with some sort of a full blown “Freedom of Choice” law, it’ll be OK to slaughter of millions of unborn babies, so long as we keep all the child molesters and mass murders on death row alive and appealing their sentences. Don’t you just love the fact that under upcoming new liberal laws the kids will now be able to marry whatever they want, including the neighbors horse? And on that general line, as a self confessed knuckle dragging redneck, I probably should know that I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, that the police are all that is needed to protect my family from murderers and thieves, and that a benevolent liberal government will make sure that I’m not tempted to shoot some home invader threatening my family, by completely banning the bearing of arms despite our second amendment rights. That’s OK too I guess, as liberal judges will now be able to rewrite the Constitution and Bill of Rights every few days to accommodate some nut or other who would never get his wild ideas past the voters under the old order.
OPEC is really upset by the recent reduction in oil prices, so they’re about to reduce worldwide oil production in the hopes of driving the price back up to over $100 per barrel. With Reid and Pelosi running the show in congress, our domestic oil certainly won’t be developed for our use, and the off-shore oil reserves that we’re not allowed to touch will probably be given to China in an anti-poverty scheme. Any wealth we might have left over will likely find itself being shipped to the Swiss bank accounts of assorted African despots, so they can “assist” their poverty stricken victims… err “citizens”. We can expect to see an increased role for United Nations authority within our borders, while globalization will be greatly expanded and American jobs will continue to leave our shores.
Hopefully when we pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan with our tails between our legs the bad guys will stop fighting because they’ll now know that we're really good guys at heart. After all, we only need to sit down, hold hands, perhaps sing a few bars of Kumbaya, and negotiate with the terrorists to convince them to change their ways irregardless of the simple fact that negotiations have never worked with terrorists or despots. What will happen to the mid-east if we pull out and allow a totalitarian Islamofascist theocracy to take over? Have a look at the works of assorted dictators like Saddam, Idi Amin, Stalin, Hitler, or Attila the Hun…
I’m not predicting the end of the western world necessarily, but I’m very much afraid that our distinctly American culture is in for some serious challenges.
Have no fear, Obama’s here!
Our new President has a lot of problems on his plate, and I do not envy him at all. At the moment our nations economy is somewhere in the basement, our national debt (depending on who you listen to) is somewhere between seven and fifteen trillion dollars, we’ve got a nearly trillion dollar bank bailout to pay for, escallating prices, two wars going on, an energy crisis that can only get worse, a rapidly swelling federal government, sabre rattling from Iran and North Korea, a resurgent Russia, massive trade imballances, an ageing infrasructure, a flood of illegal immigration, and a whole lot of disalusioned citizens grumbling and growling about the present turn of events.
With Obama’s pre-election tax plan, 95% of American taxpayers (those making under $250,000 a year) are supposed to get a tax cut. Naturally the remaining 5% of our population, who already pay for the vast majority of our government, will see their taxes raised yet again. This is called “redistributing the wealth” in democratic circles, but in reality does little more than take from the wealthy and give to the government… Spread the wealth around? Do the Democrats really believe the government can do a better job of spending my money than I could, and that business should not be allowed to make profits for the owners? That idea didn’t work for the Russians under communism either. Tax cuts huh? Okay, and just how are little things like increased gasoline taxes, windfall profits taxes, capitol gains taxes, death taxes, assorted “sin taxes”, and “carbon taxes” going to affect all of us? How much is social security and free medical care for twelve million illegal immigrants going to cost us? Hang on to your wallets folks, the long arm of a liberal idealistic world is reaching for your pocket.
What else does the new democratic regime have in mind for us? Well, it’s going to be hard to accurately forecast this soon, but one bright idea is to take “freedom of choice” away from the working stiff. It won’t matter if you want to unionize your job or not, as the big labor czar’s will be able to walk in and take over at will under the new “Union Supremacy” ideas which not incidentally also eliminate any “secret ballot” ideas we might have in the union hall. Then of course we’re going to have the new rules about political campaigning on radio and TV. Which, boiled down to the nitty-gritty means that if Pat Buchanan doesn’t spend exactly the same amount of time pedaling half baked liberal ideas as he spends plugging conservative ideals, he won’t be allowed on the air. And by the way, any required media advertising for the “opposition” would naturally be free of charge. (I think I’m going to start learning how to write handbills and broadsides... after all, they worked for Tom Paine. If you don’t know who he was, you definitely need to study American history!) Filibustering has never been a political maneuver I particularly cared for either, but it is a legitimate “last ditch” effort to stop some political action that might be found particularly abhorrent. With an effective one-party rule in Washington, that idea can be written off as well. I would expect unemployment to rise as the military is downsized yet again and a few hundred thousand unemployed soldiers are dumped on the streets.
Something else that will affect all parts of the media, and probably private conversation as well, will be “political correctness”. All you have to do is remember that freedom of speech is a fine and wondrous thing, as long as nobody could possibly be offended by your words, either in public or in private. Conversation is going to become pretty bland I’m afraid. Porous borders will become even more the norm, considering that we’ve already been told to “learn to speak Spanish” you might remember. Al Bore and global warming will probably become our new national religion I suspect, even if the folks who can't tell us if it’s going to rain next weekend can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt within ten years if I don't start driving a “green” car. Organized religion will probably take a pretty good hit as well, particularly Christianity. And with some sort of a full blown “Freedom of Choice” law, it’ll be OK to slaughter of millions of unborn babies, so long as we keep all the child molesters and mass murders on death row alive and appealing their sentences. Don’t you just love the fact that under upcoming new liberal laws the kids will now be able to marry whatever they want, including the neighbors horse? And on that general line, as a self confessed knuckle dragging redneck, I probably should know that I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, that the police are all that is needed to protect my family from murderers and thieves, and that a benevolent liberal government will make sure that I’m not tempted to shoot some home invader threatening my family, by completely banning the bearing of arms despite our second amendment rights. That’s OK too I guess, as liberal judges will now be able to rewrite the Constitution and Bill of Rights every few days to accommodate some nut or other who would never get his wild ideas past the voters under the old order.
OPEC is really upset by the recent reduction in oil prices, so they’re about to reduce worldwide oil production in the hopes of driving the price back up to over $100 per barrel. With Reid and Pelosi running the show in congress, our domestic oil certainly won’t be developed for our use, and the off-shore oil reserves that we’re not allowed to touch will probably be given to China in an anti-poverty scheme. Any wealth we might have left over will likely find itself being shipped to the Swiss bank accounts of assorted African despots, so they can “assist” their poverty stricken victims… err “citizens”. We can expect to see an increased role for United Nations authority within our borders, while globalization will be greatly expanded and American jobs will continue to leave our shores.
Hopefully when we pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan with our tails between our legs the bad guys will stop fighting because they’ll now know that we're really good guys at heart. After all, we only need to sit down, hold hands, perhaps sing a few bars of Kumbaya, and negotiate with the terrorists to convince them to change their ways irregardless of the simple fact that negotiations have never worked with terrorists or despots. What will happen to the mid-east if we pull out and allow a totalitarian Islamofascist theocracy to take over? Have a look at the works of assorted dictators like Saddam, Idi Amin, Stalin, Hitler, or Attila the Hun…
I’m not predicting the end of the western world necessarily, but I’m very much afraid that our distinctly American culture is in for some serious challenges.
Have no fear, Obama’s here!
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