Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Considering that Barack Obama has won the election, and is now our President elect, I guess he’s fair game to conservative writers, and to this ol’ redneck it’s open season with no bag limit! Understand that I have nothing against Mr. Obama personally, but I am just a wee bit upset by the political agenda he represents and what I am very much afraid is going to happen to my country. Being a life long American citizen, and after spending fifteen years in the Armed Forces of the United States (in a long cold war and one fairly hot one), I think I have earned the right to speak my piece! Mr. Obama is the soon to be commander-in-chief of the US armed forces, and were I still in uniform it’s quite possible that I would have to face a courts-martial for saying what I truly think about this turn of events. (That’s also the reason I didn’t have much to say about Bill Clinton while he was busily pushing a gay agenda on the military, and chasing young ladies around the Oval Office.)
Philip J. Berg, the lawyer who filed suit challenging Obama’s qualifications to serve as President of the United States, announced that Obama and the DNC had filed a Joint Motion for Protective Order to Stay Discovery Pending a Decision on the Motion to Dismiss filed on 09/24/08. The case is Berg v. Obama, No. 08-cv-04083. Obama cannot produce a certified copy of his “Vault” [original long version] Birth Certificate from Hawaii, Berg claims, because it does not exist. Nor can he produce a Certificate of Citizenship that he would have received when he returned from Indonesia, because it would indicate that Obama was “naturalized” and again not legally qualified to be President. Personally I would think that the DNC had gone through an extensive process of checking all parts of Mr. Obama’s qualifications long before the convention, particularly so considering his background. Then to, with all the pre-convention hate and mudslinging, I would be very surprised if the Hillary camp had not done the same! But stranger things have happened I guess. Given the long and rather convoluted legal process in this country, I’d hazard a guess that Mr. Obama will be inaugurated well before the case is finally settled, one way or another. If the courts determine that he is a qualified citizen he will continue to serve his term. If on the other hand it’s determined that he is not qualified, we’ll have “President Bidden”, and Vice President Pelosi! And that is another scary proposition!
Modern politics is about the manipulation of people’s emotions through words and pictures, along with a good many promises that you have no intention of keeping. The Obama campaign was far better at making vague promises than was the McCain effort. Face it; Mr. Obama speaks quite well and convincingly in public, he just doesn’t actually say anything besides a call for “change”, without specifying just what that change is going to be! Obama’s rhetoric made many moderates and our political left feel like their lives had meaning only if they voted for him. I really don’t know how he pulled that off, but he did. The campaign also indicates that the cult of political personality planted by FDR has taken solid root in our political left. When people have faith in an individual rather than faith in ideas, we’re on the slippery slope to tyranny. We’re supposed to be a nation of laws, where equality under the law, opportunity, and the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution command our loyalty, not the charismatic personality of any individual. Probably the best example of a personality cult in recent times is Adolf Hitler and the “Führerprinzip” in a politically and economically troubled Germany of the 1920's.
Why do we have so much faith in politics and ‘transcendent’ men like Obama nowadays? It’s because people have lost faith in the institutions which used to give their life meaning and purpose, things like family, community, or the local church. All those have been lost because they’ve become federalized, with Big Government as the all knowing authority. This unhappy situation has been slowly developed by people who believe in the use of government power to force their moral outlook on the rest of the world. A lot of people are going to be highly disappointed when they discover that this particular moral outlook is false. High sounding political oratory might make you feel good for a while, in the way you feel when your favorite ball team wins the championship, but by the next morning you’ll find that your life is still there, with all its challenges, fears, and opportunities. Those fine sounding words don’t change anything, Obama certainly can’t live your life for you, he can’t pay your mortgage, gas up the car, make you feel better about a distasteful job, or improve your relationship with wife and kids.
A bunch of liberals now have the idea to send out warm fuzzy messages to conservatives about how they love us and we can all work together, whatever that means. We’ve had years of these people denouncing their own country and it’s elected leaders, these leftists with apparently no understanding of reality, who blindly follow the vague utopian dreams of fuzzy minded intellectuals, who paint everyone who believes differently as mindlessly evil. While American soldiers fought and died in Vietnam, and now in the mid-east, all they cared about was political posturing. But now they get someone they like elected president so let’s all conveniently forget that their recent actions have been somewhat reminiscent of the hate mongering of the 1850’s! Yes, as if the next time something doesn’t go their way they won’t once again revert to their childish ways. Nor can they even tell us what their goals are! If they were to clearly say what they mean, it would scare even them. “Change” is the watchword of the mob’s new favorite, yet they really have no real idea of how much “change” they’re going to be get…
We might well remember that Mr. Obama is already calling for some sort of “National Service” corps that sounds somewhat like a free labor force for the government. He’s also calling for a quasi-military “National Police Force” reminiscent of Hitler’s Gestapo. Now I understand that Mr. Obama is also calling for a “Federal Militia” to assist the new National Police. Humm, does that sound somewhat like the Nazi SS (Schutzstaffel) being aided and abetted by the Brown shirts? The Nazi’s were an extremely liberal political party when they quite legally came to power in 1933, and they did a good many admirable things for Germany and for the German people. However, once they had completely assumed power…
Just where is our new liberal government planning to take us, and where are they getting their ideas from?
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