Monday, February 6, 2017

Immigration Conflict

President Trump has sparked lots of controversy (and hysteria from the left) since his inauguration, with a quite respectable series of executive orders.  One order in particular, one that seems quite sensible to me, has been getting the most attention from the radical left lately.  That order bars entry visas for 90 days, for people coming from seven Islamic countries with a history of providing ISIS (?) terrorists.  Those countries being: Libya, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, and Somalia.

The media, liberals, and Hollywood celebrities are throwing a king-sized fit over the Presidents decision to protect American citizens from a mob of bloodthirsty radical Muslim jihadists.  Apparently they seem to think that we’re under some sort of a moral obligation to allow nearly any self-declared refugee into the country, without any verification or background checks, and then we can all kneel down and pray (a non-Christian prayer of course) that nobody gets blown up!

We are engaged in a war with an extremely radical theocracy, one based on a fifteen hundred year old culture of violence that is totally foreign to the western world.  A religion that teaches its adherents to kill or enslave anyone, men, women, and children, who do not totally believe in the teachings of their prophet, and who do not completely submit themselves to the orders of some rather bloodthirsty “clerics”.  It is most definitely not a good idea to invite tens or even hundreds of thousands of “enemy aliens” into your country during times of war!  Such an action is called an invasion in military jargon, and does not normally end well for those being invaded.  Consider, what would have happened if Franklin Roosevelt had invited the Japanese emperor to send a couple of hundred thousand “refugees” to California in early 1941?!  Or had allowed Hitler to send thirty or forty thousand “peaceful” Nazi Storm Troopers into New York City!

Trump announced a temporary ban on refugees from Syria and Middle Eastern war zones, dangerous Muslim-majority countries with inadequate or nonexistent refugee screening.  Are these people actually refugees, or are they jihadi fighters in disguise?  Well, a very loud BOOM, or a sudden flurry of gunfire may be your first warning.

You might note that the Presidential immigration executive order pertains only to those seven extremist countries, NOT to the entire Islamic world.  Nor does it ban Christian refugees from those violent Muslim majority countries.  Many citizens of those countries are already here, working, attending school, or what-have-you, and are law abiding people.  However, a number of them have already proven themselves to be jihadis by committing some rather heinous terrorist acts both here and in Europe.  And what about other Muslim countries that would be much more logical places for these Muslims to seek refuge?  They’ve banned Muslim immigration from those same violent countries from the very beginning!  Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Qatar— are they as racist as the loony left accuses the Donald of being?  That’s a question that Trump's critics are not about to answer. 

Personally I support the Presidents decision, after all, don’t we have quite enough homegrown wanna-be terrorists around, without inviting a few thousand more to come and join the festivities?  I do insist that we need to forget partisan politics for the time being, and start putting American lives first. As this war gains in worldwide intensity, as it will continue to do, Trump's decision will help in preventing even more radical Islamic terrorism in the US, and the deaths of even more innocent American citizens.  These are random terrorist acts as we have seen, rarely targeting specific people or places, but rather “targets of opportunity”.  So, as Mrs. Pelosi was asked, how many of your children are expendable in the interest of bleeding hearted liberalism?

The executive order signed by Trump suspends immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries for 90 days and all refugee resettlement for 120 days.  Such a delay is not a permanent ban, and does nothing more than allow our government to determine whether these people are legimate refugees… or are they bonafide terrorists looking for a chance to blow themselves (and infidel Americans) to paradise.  It provides exceptions for refugees who practice a religion that makes them a minority in their home country.

However, a federal judge temporarily blocked Trump's ban after Washington State and Minnesota, both hotbeds of liberalism, urged a nationwide hold on the executive order that has launched legal battles across the country. The White House said Friday night it will seek an emergency stay of the federal judge's order.  U.S. District Judge James Robart of Seattle determined there was a high probability that Trump's executive order was illegal and unconstitutional.  Yet entry to the US is NOT a constitutional right for non-citizens!  The two states won a temporary restraining order while the courts consider the lawsuit (which based on past judicial performance will probably take a few years).

Sadly, these protesters and their lawsuits are just following the lead of many prominent public figures on the left who have been having a complete meltdown since Donald Trump's victory in November.  These folks include celebrity snowflakes that live in a make believe world and who would like to think that just because they’re “rich and famous” they’re qualified to tell the rest of us how to think and live. 

Greg Gutfeld said that President Trump's actions during his first few weeks in office are driving the "worst people" crazy.  That, I would say, includes the "frantic media”, “bed-wetting celebrities", and the ACLU.

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