Monday, February 6, 2017

Immigration Conflict

President Trump has sparked lots of controversy (and hysteria from the left) since his inauguration, with a quite respectable series of executive orders.  One order in particular, one that seems quite sensible to me, has been getting the most attention from the radical left lately.  That order bars entry visas for 90 days, for people coming from seven Islamic countries with a history of providing ISIS (?) terrorists.  Those countries being: Libya, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, and Somalia.

The media, liberals, and Hollywood celebrities are throwing a king-sized fit over the Presidents decision to protect American citizens from a mob of bloodthirsty radical Muslim jihadists.  Apparently they seem to think that we’re under some sort of a moral obligation to allow nearly any self-declared refugee into the country, without any verification or background checks, and then we can all kneel down and pray (a non-Christian prayer of course) that nobody gets blown up!

We are engaged in a war with an extremely radical theocracy, one based on a fifteen hundred year old culture of violence that is totally foreign to the western world.  A religion that teaches its adherents to kill or enslave anyone, men, women, and children, who do not totally believe in the teachings of their prophet, and who do not completely submit themselves to the orders of some rather bloodthirsty “clerics”.  It is most definitely not a good idea to invite tens or even hundreds of thousands of “enemy aliens” into your country during times of war!  Such an action is called an invasion in military jargon, and does not normally end well for those being invaded.  Consider, what would have happened if Franklin Roosevelt had invited the Japanese emperor to send a couple of hundred thousand “refugees” to California in early 1941?!  Or had allowed Hitler to send thirty or forty thousand “peaceful” Nazi Storm Troopers into New York City!

Trump announced a temporary ban on refugees from Syria and Middle Eastern war zones, dangerous Muslim-majority countries with inadequate or nonexistent refugee screening.  Are these people actually refugees, or are they jihadi fighters in disguise?  Well, a very loud BOOM, or a sudden flurry of gunfire may be your first warning.

You might note that the Presidential immigration executive order pertains only to those seven extremist countries, NOT to the entire Islamic world.  Nor does it ban Christian refugees from those violent Muslim majority countries.  Many citizens of those countries are already here, working, attending school, or what-have-you, and are law abiding people.  However, a number of them have already proven themselves to be jihadis by committing some rather heinous terrorist acts both here and in Europe.  And what about other Muslim countries that would be much more logical places for these Muslims to seek refuge?  They’ve banned Muslim immigration from those same violent countries from the very beginning!  Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Qatar— are they as racist as the loony left accuses the Donald of being?  That’s a question that Trump's critics are not about to answer. 

Personally I support the Presidents decision, after all, don’t we have quite enough homegrown wanna-be terrorists around, without inviting a few thousand more to come and join the festivities?  I do insist that we need to forget partisan politics for the time being, and start putting American lives first. As this war gains in worldwide intensity, as it will continue to do, Trump's decision will help in preventing even more radical Islamic terrorism in the US, and the deaths of even more innocent American citizens.  These are random terrorist acts as we have seen, rarely targeting specific people or places, but rather “targets of opportunity”.  So, as Mrs. Pelosi was asked, how many of your children are expendable in the interest of bleeding hearted liberalism?

The executive order signed by Trump suspends immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries for 90 days and all refugee resettlement for 120 days.  Such a delay is not a permanent ban, and does nothing more than allow our government to determine whether these people are legimate refugees… or are they bonafide terrorists looking for a chance to blow themselves (and infidel Americans) to paradise.  It provides exceptions for refugees who practice a religion that makes them a minority in their home country.

However, a federal judge temporarily blocked Trump's ban after Washington State and Minnesota, both hotbeds of liberalism, urged a nationwide hold on the executive order that has launched legal battles across the country. The White House said Friday night it will seek an emergency stay of the federal judge's order.  U.S. District Judge James Robart of Seattle determined there was a high probability that Trump's executive order was illegal and unconstitutional.  Yet entry to the US is NOT a constitutional right for non-citizens!  The two states won a temporary restraining order while the courts consider the lawsuit (which based on past judicial performance will probably take a few years).

Sadly, these protesters and their lawsuits are just following the lead of many prominent public figures on the left who have been having a complete meltdown since Donald Trump's victory in November.  These folks include celebrity snowflakes that live in a make believe world and who would like to think that just because they’re “rich and famous” they’re qualified to tell the rest of us how to think and live. 

Greg Gutfeld said that President Trump's actions during his first few weeks in office are driving the "worst people" crazy.  That, I would say, includes the "frantic media”, “bed-wetting celebrities", and the ACLU.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

IMO Notes

Just a few notes today, inspired by several different e-mail sources.

One Missouri electoral voter, after being continuously hassled to change her vote from Trump to Clinton said that  “I don’t know if our educational system has failed to educate these agitators, or these are the children that took 4th place in little league and received a big trophy for having their shoes on the right feet.”

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child – miserable – as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill disciplined, despotic and useless.  Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”  P. J. O’Rourke

The problem with liberals began when we first allowed our schools to teach the kids that the world “owed” them a living.  Our founders underestimated the effect of an underemployed intelligentsia hanging around the college campus and complaining because the bureaucracy isn’t burgeoning fast enough to allow them to loaf at taxpayer expense, while minding other peoples business, and spending other people’s money.  Sci-Fi writer Jerry Pournelle postulates a future where the vast majority of the countries population resides in the decomposing wreckage of our larger cities, staring at government TV propaganda, surviving on crime and government issued sustenance meals, along with government provided drugs and booze.  A world where the terms “work” and “work ethic” are no longer a part of the American language.  More or less the ultimate bureaucratic “welfare state” liberal socialism I guess, where only the elites own much of anything, and only the elites and the cops are allowed to possess weapons of any sort.

The election of Donald Trump sure did stir up the political pot!  The democrats haven’t been this upset since the republicans took away their slaves!  I’ve guess they’ve got reason though… since the time of Lyndon Johnson the democrats have been working hard at turning this country into the “United Socialist States of Amerika”, and now Mr. Trump and the silent majority suddenly threaten to dump those fifty years of plotting and planning down the sewer!  Mrs. Obama, in an interview on the Oprah TV show, inferred that with the election of Mr. Trump, that America has “lost hope”.  Well, perhaps the liberals have “lost hope” at any rate, but the rest of us finally have high hopes that Mr. Trump can reverse the damages of the last eight years, before our country falls completely apart!

On that note, our congress critters might want to watch their step in opposing The Donald’s efforts to straighten things out… there is another election coming up in a couple of years after all.  Here’s your chance to help set things right, don’t blow it.

It would appear that Mr. Obama and his liberal collogues are trying very hard to pick a fight with the Russians all the sudden, and instigate another Cold War.  Probably so they can skip town in a couple of weeks, and leave President Trump to clean up an unholy mess, and of course take the rap for it.  It might also appear that Mr. Putin reads the situation the same way I do, and is bending over backwards to avoid a fight.  Very astute of him I’d say.

You might also have noticed that immediately after Mr. Trump’s election, Syrian President Al-Assad began calling for co-operation with the United States.  President Putin suddenly says that Russia is ready to “restore positive relations” with the United States. Canada and Mexico agree to cooperate with President Trump to renegotiate or scrap NAFTA.  American industrial jobs are staying here instead of disappearing overseas and the Dow Jones industrial index skyrocketed to an all-time high.  Kind of makes me wonder just what we’ve been paying Mr. Obama for over the last eight years.

In the interest of fighting global warming and “ending pollution”, the liberals, hand in hand with the environmentalists, want us to shut down the petroleum industry, shut down the coal industry, shut down the vestiges of our nuclear industry, and breach our hydroelectric dams.  I suspect that doing so would also shut down any industry remaining in the country, and reduce us to third-world subsistence farming!  The current radical environmentalist movement appears to be little more than the old “back to nature” movement greatly magnified, and run totally insane!  Don’t get me wrong, I sort of like the Back to Nature idea as well… but I also like electric lights and indoor toilets, along with hot and cold running water!

A recent news article says those wonderful folks from the EPA now want out-back Alaskans to stop burning wood for their winter heat, because it violates the Clean Air Act.  Humm… perhaps those same bureaucrats would move to central Alaska and demonstrate to the rest of us just how to survive one of those long, cold, dark, winters with nothing but solar heating and electric cars?

By the way, in looking at my thermometer over the last few weeks, I’m beginning to wonder,  where is all that Global Warming that the loony left has been religiously promising me for the last several years now?  (I’m beginning to feel like the artic ice pack is invading my back yard!)

Donald Trump isn't a politician -- he's a one-man wrecking crew against our dysfunctional and corrupt establishment. We're about to see the deluxe version of a war between the working class and the smirking class.

Ann Coulter, with her insight and sense of humor, makes the definitive case for why we should all join the Trump revolution. The three biggest news stories of the 2016 presidential election have been: Trump, Trump, and Trump. The media have twisted themselves in knots, trying to figure out how he won over millions of Republican (and other) voters, and what he'd be like as president.  But Coulter isn't puzzled. She knows why Trump was the only one of seventeen GOP contenders who captured the spirit of our time. She’s got the ability to address the pain of the silent majority and of saying things the "PC Thought Police" considers unspeakable.  She argues that a bull in the china shop is exactly what we need to make America great again. She explains why conservatives, moderates, and even disgruntled Democrats should set aside their doubts and embrace Trump:

·He's putting America first in our trade deals and alliances, rather than pandering to assorted dictators and our sworn enemies.

·He's abandoned the GOP's decades-long commitment to a bellicose foreign policy, at a time when the entire country is sick of unnecessary wars.

·He's ended GOP pandering to Hispanic activists with his hard-line policy on immigration. Working class Americans finally have a champion against open borders and cheap foreign labor.

·He's overturned the media's traditional role in setting the agenda and deciding who gets to be considered "presidential."

·He's exposed political consultants as grifters and hacks, most of whom don't know real voters from a hole in the ground.

So far, the president-elect has nominated one of America’s greatest retired generals for Secretary of Defense, the CEO of the world’s largest company as Secretary of State, a woman who has spent her life fighting for school choice as Secretary of Education, and a world-class pediatric neurosurgeon who grew up in poverty and speaks with moral authority on the crisis of our inner cities as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.  These are extraordinary people who understand what needs to be done to achieve things in the real world. The press, which has been consistently wrong about everything so far, is trying their best to brand President Trump’s  preferred cabinet as unqualified right wing radicals. That they are far more likely to bring change to Washington than the typical establishment cabinet should be obvious to most Americans, and it is exactly why Donald Trump was elected.

I’ve noticed that the mainstream media is apparently starting the 2020 campaign season a bit early, preparing the way for a lot of unnamed liberal dimwits… err… democrats.

Before the election, plenty of celebrities, and even average everyday Hillary Clinton fans, pledged to pack their bags and take off for Canada if Donald Trump won.  (Do they actually consider that to be a serious threat that we can’t ignore!?)  But since that fateful day more than a month ago, Canada’s immigration department has reportedly received only 28 Trump related requests for asylum.  And none appear to have come from Hollywood, despite the large number of celebs who threatened to cross the northern border if Trump became president.

Essentially the Democrats don't care about you, the people they think are irredeemable, the basket of deplorables. The left only cares about the mass of democratic voters, people who live in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, and of course, the swamp known as Washington, D.C. who vote to keep them in office.  Middle America might as well not even exist.  Due to the discrepancy between the “popular vote” and the Electoral College vote, democrats now want to eliminate the Electoral College.  It must have just dawned on the DNC that if we remove the LA County and New York City democratic vote, Trump wins the nationwide popularity contest as well… by some 500,000 votes!

Former democratic President Slick Willie Clinton, in an interview a few days ago said that “Donald Trump doesn’t know much. But one thing he does know is how to get angry, white men to vote for him.”

Bravo Mr. Clinton. You finally got it right, but it took you a while. First you blamed the FBI for your wife’s defeat.  Then hackers, and next Russia.  Now it’s the electoral college. But you’ve finally come to the right conclusion. It was in fact your Democrat Party’s inability to appeal to angry white males (those of us who still cling to the Bible and our guns I guess) that cost your wife the election.

I’m a white male and I voted for Donald Trump because the policies of Obama and Hillary have wrecked the U.S. economy, killed middle class jobs, skyrocketed the price of healthcare, made it almost impossible to start or run a business, and they’ve spent our country into unimaginable debt and bankruptcy.  The truth is the Democrat Party offers not a single reason for any angry white male to vote for them. There’s not a single thing you offer to someone who works for a living. There’s not a single thing you offer to someone who pays taxes into the system. There’s not a single thing you offer to someone who desires no handouts from the government. There’s not a single thing you offer to someone who pays for their own health insurance out of their own pocket. 

Mr. Clinton, angry white males are angry at the Democrat Party for very good reason. Your party left us a long time ago. You wrote us off. You left us for dead. You made us feel invisible. You try to make us feel like villains for working hard, for earning an honest living, for achieving prosperity, for paying taxes, for asking for nothing from the government except to be left alone.  Yes, we’re angry. Yes, we voted for Donald Trump. This is called payback where I come from. 

To Mr. Obama and the liberal establishment; your attention please… we built it, you broke it, we’ll fix it without you.  You, and your like-minded buddies, ARE FIRED!