Monday, November 1, 2010


The Obama administration is crusading to remake America, as they have said since long before the 2008 election, and despite the overwhelming opposition of the American people. Bailouts and stimulus have effectively nationalized a large part of American “big business”, while the “health care overhaul” added the entire medical industry to the list. Now, adding to that, the proposed “Card Check” legislation will, for all intents and purposes place the fate of every American business and every employee at the mercy of the Obama Socialism / George Soros / Trade Union Bosses triad! (Understand that I’m not anti-union, but I am opposed to the idea of forcing people to join.)

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s home state of Nevada has been hit hard by falling home prices, foreclosures, and unemployment. But Reid insists that despite his senate leadership post he had "nothing to do" with the economic downturn, contending that the recession was the fault of the Bush administration, and saying "You know that I had nothing to do with the massive foreclosures here," Reid said. "You know that I had nothing to do with these unemployment figures. I tried to rein that in"… Well, perhaps Harry, if you say so. But still, even though President Bush was mightily involved with the bailouts, there were plenty more under Mr. Obama, and Senator Reid was up to his ears in the passage of that unnecessary mess. He did however, save the world, or so he says. That’s right, the highest ranking member of the United States Senate is taking credit for the Troubled Assets Relief Program, also known as the Bailout of Wall Street Bill, and thus personally saved the world economy with his efforts. Humm… Have you heard the term “God Complex” before?

As Mr. Obama swung through Las Vegas to rally support for his buddy Harry, new economic data showed Nevada's jobless rate at 14.4 percent, the worst in the nation. With his usual democratic logic, Harry might call that an improvement, as it’s the first time Nevada unemployment hasn’t increased since January! The numbers are in doubt though, as despite the official claim of nine point something percent of our population being unemployed, some Washington officials are saying that the true number is closer to 17.5%. Add the national debt to those figures, and we’re now in the hole for some $48,000 a head, a figure that’s projected to get a whole lot worse over the next two years. (Thank your grandkids for the next stimulus funded highway project you see, they’re paying for it.) Of late, Congress did not seem to have the time to pass a budget, recessing early to run home and campaign for the mid-term’s. Well, that democratic controlled Congress also missed out on extending the Bush era tax cuts for all of us, which is going to get expensive come April. But they did have the time to propose new pork barrel spending for 2011, with House bills containing almost 3,000 earmarks and Senate bills adding another 3,700 earmarks. Every year since 1969, Congress has spent more money than what’s raised in federal tax revenue. But never fear, led by team Obama, Harry and the Democrats are saving the world… and flushing the United States down the drain while they’re at it.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is being blamed for blindly following a radical “Big Government, Big Brother” socialist agenda despite the expressed wishes of the American people. Nancy is running a Congress that has allowed warrantless wiretapping, torture, assorted military tribunals, the Patriot Act, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" cancellation, and the open-ended war in the Middle East, to go on unabated, despite a history of objection from the American people. Ahh… Nancy does represent those people does she not?

Along with Harry’s God Complex, we have the mind-set of the far left, which, as one commentator said, "Liberals don't think they have any politics. They think they are in a state of nature. Only those who disagree with them are unnatural." That comment tells you just about all you need to know of the cultural and political war in America today. Progressives are supposed to be the “best educated” and most thoughtful among us, but I often wonder… Along with a good many on-line news articles we will find numerous sections devoted to reader comments. Often those comments are well thought out, by readers from both sides of the political spectrum. But by far the majority of the witticisms from the left are more comparable to the tantrums we might expect from angry children who don’t get their way, and have no real reason to object other than they’re not getting their way. They regularly prove the comment that all arguments with liberals take the same course, in that first a liberal will make a ridiculous statement. Then, after proving the liberal statement is stupid, the liberal will try to change the subject. And finally, when all else fails, the liberal will resort to name calling or outright lies. It generally seems to work that way in my view.

Another left wing “statement” that pretty well had this old soldier going ballistic was the comment by Virginia Democratic Congressman Jim Moran. According to Mr. Moran, his opponent in the current election is totally unqualified for the job. Mr. Moran was heard telling a Democratic gathering that his opponent, Republican Patrick Murray, is just another unqualified GOP candidate, and that "What [Republicans] do is find candidates, usually stealth candidates, that haven't been in office, haven't served or performed in any kind of public service." Moran said that "My opponent is typical, frankly." Well, Okay, that sounds like little more than typical election time posturing and rhetoric. BUT, Mr. Moran’s opponent is a retired Army colonel with 24 years of service that includes combat in Iraq. The idea that such a military record doesn't qualify as "public service" has left a sour taste in Murray's mouth, to say nothing of mine! Col. Murray wrote in reply that "It is unconscionable to me how a member of Congress from a District with so many Veterans, who also sits on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, could make such shameful and offensive comments about the sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform." He added that “This kind of disrespect to our service members not only offends me, but is insensitive to the sacrifices made by our dedicated military families as well." In a typical Dumbocrat response, Mr. Moran told a local news outlet that he simply misspoke, and his constituents know that isn’t what he meant. Huh, more “misunderstanding” of leftist rhetoric I guess, although there seems to be a lot of that going around lately.

We’ve seen how the left operates, and we’ve seen examples of what they plan for our country. Despite the promising numbers of the polls, and the claims that the left is “falling off the cliff”, we haven’t stopped Barrack Obama, and we have not made this country safe. We have not stopped the advance of socialism, and we have not stopped the Democrats from destroying our country. And we, with all our efforts to date, have won nothing, unless we get out and vote on Nov. 2ed, by proving our determination, and putting an end to the left’s goal of totally dominating our country.

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