Saturday, August 15, 2009


It would seem that the Democratic National Committee is on the warpath once again, and again claiming unfair practices are being used against them by those rotten, nasty, and of course evil, conservative Republicans. (There are “fair” practices in politics?) The DNC recently released a statement accusing Republicans of colluding with "K Street Lobbyists" to incite "angry mobs" of extremists, describing a deliberate attempt to disrupt health care town hall meetings in assorted congressional districts across the country. The statement released by DNC spokesman Brad Woodhouse claims that the Republicans, desperate after “losing two elections and every major policy fight on Capitol Hill”, are inciting angry mobs of rabid right wing extremists to disrupt thoughtful discussions about the future of health care in America. These mobs of extremists are trying to “break” the President and destroying his Presidency according to Mr. Woodhouse. I will note that the democrats can so easily forget the eight years of twisted statements, erroneous accusations, and often downright lies that they subjected us to during the Bush presidency. Now apparently “Republican Operatives”, utilizing funds provided by “special interests”, are bussing in “mobs” who are desperately trying to stop the agenda for change that Mr. Obama was elected to bring us… well, as per the DNC that is. The statement continues; “Despite the headline grabbing nature of these angry mobs and their disruptions of events, they are not reflective of where the American people are on the issues – or the hundreds of thousands of thoughtful discussions taking place around kitchen tables, water coolers and in homes.”

Huh!... I spend a lot of time on the internet reading a wide assortment of discussions on nearly as wide a number of subjects. From what I’ve seen so far, and considering that I read discussions in liberal forums as well as conservative and moderate groups, were it up to American voters today, the entire “ObamaCare” concept would be completely dead and buried! I have news for Mr. Woodhouse as well, those “water cooler discussions” he so righteously proclaims, are apparently only held in the halls of the DNC! I look in on everything from veterans groups to space advocates, from environuts to garden societies, and more than a few political discussion groups for good measure. Discounting the few honest folks who say that they really don’t understand what the plan actually is, the “advocates”, pro and con, seem to be about evenly split, with a slight edge to the folks that don’t want anything to do with the idea. And that dear reader, includes a whole lot of “Obamamaniacs”! Several of those comments I’ve read include; “Leave it to the DNC to accuse others of "fear mongering"….they have used this as their standard tactic since before Bill. (Actually, that started with FDR.) What the DNC needs is a group of statesmen (women) to provide true leadership in the party – not Pelosi, Ried, Frank, Chuckie, Charlie and the other clowns in Washington today. Why are we not having a discussion about the attack on personal freedom that the DNC is truely engaged in? BTW – i am a registered democrate. Like Zell Miller said – the party left me a long time ago. Another includes; "Angry Mobs"?, Maybe… 'Extremists", I don't think so. Just because a person/s disagree or don't like something, doesn't make them "Extremist". But if we must be "Extremists", then so be it. Let the Extremism begin. This health care business is all a bunch of smoke in mirrors. Since when does the needs of the few, outweigh the needs of the many. I thought majority counted for something in a "Democracy". Or are we truly no longer a democracy. Especially after the dems comment saying they will pass health care with or without the repubs or american peoples consent.”

I like that last comment, in that “The Age of Extremism” sounds like a good description of where American politics are rapidly heading, and besides, it might be a good title for some future column!

From the opposition come such gems as; “We have all seen the video evidence of the racist idiots at Palin and McCain rallies last fall. I have seen some of the town hall videos. The president won by a large majority of the vote. We, the people have voted for heath care reform. We, the people, have won.” “A large majority of the vote”? Four percent is a large majority? Pardon me a moment while I get my eyebrow back down where it belongs… Anyway, then we have; “72% of Americans WANT a public (government) health insurance option as a choice. The majority of US citizens very intentionally elected representatives and a president who could make a significant change like this happen.” 72%... humm… if you say so… But according to the polls 52% now oppose ObamaCare. Next, another writer says; “Republicans are furious that the people just might like what the Democrats are trying to do for the people. Of course you know they don't care at all about the middle or lower class people in this Country.” (There goes that darn eyebrow again…) And for all these years I thought that the “middle class” were mostly Republican!!! One comment that the members of Congress might ponder is; “Nice how the DNC refers to informed citizens as an angry mob. Anyone who thinks the DNC (Pelosi, Obama, etc.) is looking out for anybody other than themselves clearly lives in a fantasy world. And actually it won't backfire. Those who vote for this disaster will be out of a job in 2010. The Dems are getting just what they did not want, informed people. Of course after seeing many of these posts here, you Obamaholics either don't care about the truth or are too dim to think for yourselves.”

One final quote from a young Lady in California; “Is this anything like the DNC using ACORN? No this was voting Americans, democrats and republicans, sick of the congress not listening to us.” Couldn’t have said it better myself Ma’am. What Democrats are calling ‘mob rule’ most Americans call “democracy in action.” After all, we are still allowed to speak our mind… or has team Obama outlawed that while I wasn’t looking? America is sending President Obama a message, telling him that they don’t trust big government plans for health care.

The RNC describes the DNC reaction to the people they invited to Congressional town hall meetings as; “…from the realm of the strange into the far reaches of the Twilight Zone. Average Americans are showing up at Democrat Congressional town hall events across the country to voice their frustration with the far left liberal agenda being stampeded through Congress by the Democrat majority. Mostly comprised of seniors and veterans, these large crowds at the town hall meetings are actually reading the healthcare bill and asking the tough questions. Democrats are stunned that these Americans are angry about being lied to about the government takeover of healthcare.”

Unlike a good many politicians, I make no claim to being omnipotent, but I’ve about reached the stage of making a political prophesy… If Mr. Obama, Mr. Reid, Ms. Pelosi, and of course the DNC, don’t get their heads out of their… the clouds, the Democratic Party will find that they’ve made a serious error in judging the temperament of the American voter!

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