Monday, July 20, 2009
New Laws
Sir Winston Churchill once said that all great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words, such as freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, and hope. Along with being the consummate politician, Winnie was quite astute I’d say, and a keen observer of human nature. Historians often have a field day with quotes from his many speeches, and use them in a good many books dedicated to explaining his political shift from liberalism to intense conservatism. I think he explained that change in attitude best when he said that anyone under thirty who was not a liberal had no heart, and anyone over thirty who was not a conservative had no brains! I’m certainly not a Churchill fan, but I will give the devil his due, and I think Winston was one of the greatest politicians of the twentieth century. Another of his quotes was “You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else.” With that particular truism, I wonder just what he’d have to say about the political situation the United States finds herself in today.
Team Obama has proposed any number of new laws that force us onto the road to socialism and government control of every aspect of our lives, with Congress as usual, blindly following along. The American people, worshiping at the alter of “change”, are happily surrendering the rights, liberties, and legal protection that served us so well for over two centuries, and that not incidentally made the United States the greatest and most powerful nation in history. What am I babbling about? Well, for starters consider the so called "hate crimes" legislation that many are calling "The Pedophile Protection Act". Democrats were able to slip HR 1913 (S. 909 in the Senate Version) through the Pelosi-controlled House of Representatives. Before it came to the floor, Rep. Louie Gohmert tried to amend the bill to exclude a variety of sex crimes, including pedophilia (child molesting), leaving the liberals in Congress hysterical. The problem is that the supporters of this bill did not want to exclude any deviant, and voted down the amendment that would have excluded pedophilia. Hate crime laws now serve only one purpose, to criminalize any thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that are not considered 'politically correct' by the looney left. It also means you better learn to keep your mouth shut, because stating your beliefs in public is about to become a federal crime, and thus very dangerous. We’re also supposed to believe that this law would equally apply to such democratic favorites as women’s libbers attacking the Boy Scout membership rules, or gays attacking the beliefs of the Catholic Church.
Another, perhaps not so emotion laden upcoming law is Mr. Gore’s favorite, the “Cap and Trade” bill. At the moment only a Senate vote stands in the way of what the Wall Street Journal is calling "the biggest tax in American history." That's because Ms. Pelosi strong-armed the so-called American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (also known as "Cap-and-Trade") through the House. According to the Heritage Foundation this "national energy tax" could cost the average family "nearly $3,000 per household per year" (that adds another $250 per month to your energy bills). House Minority Leader John Boehner stated that it will "put millions of Americans out of work" as American jobs are shipped overseas, while even Mr. Obama admitted that "electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." And where are those jobs going… to China and India of course, countries that have no intention of crippling their economies with "Cap-and-Trade" schemes. “Cap-and-Trade" is being pushed as a system to encourage businesses to engage in "environmentally responsible activities", but it has little to do with the environment and instead will deprive you of your income, control your behavior, and stifle your liberties. Remember Obama’s campaign comment: "We can't drive our SUVs, and eat whatever we want, and keep our homes at 72 [degrees] all the time, whether we live in the desert or the tundra, and keep consuming 25% of the world's resources with just 4% of the world's population... That's not going to happen." Sounds to me like he was serious, and on that note I think I’ll start laying in a really large supply of candles and firewood, along with some extra groceries!
Then we have the plot to impose socialized medicine on us. Mr. Obama offered a hint of our future under his version of health care reform when he suggested that one way to save costs is not to spend on procedures that “…are not necessarily going to improve care” for the sick and the dying. “Maybe you’re better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller,” he said. Perhaps, but who decides if those extra dollars will or will not be spent on your care or the care of your family? Under the plan advocated by President Obama and his allies that someone will be a government bureaucrat, not a Doctor, and bureaucrats aren’t concerned about your long life. If that bureaucrat is doing his job, his only concern will be for the government’s bottom line. These are becoming scary times, and if you're over age of 55 or in ill health, be real scared. If you're chronically ill your future doesn't look very bright either. However, I wouldn’t be all that concerned about local health care, as under a liberal designed medical system every “Red State” village in the country will have its own government certified Witch Doctor, while the few remaining MD’s will be busily caring for Obama’s minions. The takeover of health care is nothing more than another power grab similar to his takeover of the banks and the automobile industry. Its goal is not to improve health care, but to reward political allies, and punish political dissent. After all, the feds already own 60% of GM, and the lord only knows how much of the financial industry. What are they going to do with that control? I don’t know, but it’s interesting to consider that of Mr. Obama’s ten top advisors, not one has any experience at operating a successful business. But they continue telling us that they know what’s best for American business… Following the “success” we’ve had with envirofreaks controlling our public lands and natural resources, I’m real curious to see what happens when those same crazies put their hand to designing cars and trucks. Does anyone besides me remember the “high quality” (sarcasm intended) of Soviet produced consumer goods as came from their government owned and controlled factories in the 50’s and 60’s? There was after all, a good reason for the high demand for western produced goods among the Russian people. You might also have noticed the news report about the federal dispersal of stimulus funds. It would seem that the “blue” counties across the nation are receiving approximately twice the stimulus funding as are the “red” counties, despite whatever needs they might have. I guess that’s the reward for supporting Obama and company.
I have little hope that these infringements upon our Constitutional rights and our liberty will fail to be passed by our rather insipid representatives in Congress. As Churchill said, Americans will try anything, and our current spineless Congress will buy anything Mr. Obama says. But I think that once the American population finally figures out just what they’re loosing, sanity will prevail, we’ll rear up on our hind legs and elect hard-nosed freedom-loving politicians at all levels of government, these laws will be repealed, and the federal government will be put firmly in its place. I’d also hope that the loony left will be told not only “no” but “HELL NO”, and America’s experiment with socialism will be exiled to history’s trash bin where it belongs!
Team Obama has proposed any number of new laws that force us onto the road to socialism and government control of every aspect of our lives, with Congress as usual, blindly following along. The American people, worshiping at the alter of “change”, are happily surrendering the rights, liberties, and legal protection that served us so well for over two centuries, and that not incidentally made the United States the greatest and most powerful nation in history. What am I babbling about? Well, for starters consider the so called "hate crimes" legislation that many are calling "The Pedophile Protection Act". Democrats were able to slip HR 1913 (S. 909 in the Senate Version) through the Pelosi-controlled House of Representatives. Before it came to the floor, Rep. Louie Gohmert tried to amend the bill to exclude a variety of sex crimes, including pedophilia (child molesting), leaving the liberals in Congress hysterical. The problem is that the supporters of this bill did not want to exclude any deviant, and voted down the amendment that would have excluded pedophilia. Hate crime laws now serve only one purpose, to criminalize any thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that are not considered 'politically correct' by the looney left. It also means you better learn to keep your mouth shut, because stating your beliefs in public is about to become a federal crime, and thus very dangerous. We’re also supposed to believe that this law would equally apply to such democratic favorites as women’s libbers attacking the Boy Scout membership rules, or gays attacking the beliefs of the Catholic Church.
Another, perhaps not so emotion laden upcoming law is Mr. Gore’s favorite, the “Cap and Trade” bill. At the moment only a Senate vote stands in the way of what the Wall Street Journal is calling "the biggest tax in American history." That's because Ms. Pelosi strong-armed the so-called American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (also known as "Cap-and-Trade") through the House. According to the Heritage Foundation this "national energy tax" could cost the average family "nearly $3,000 per household per year" (that adds another $250 per month to your energy bills). House Minority Leader John Boehner stated that it will "put millions of Americans out of work" as American jobs are shipped overseas, while even Mr. Obama admitted that "electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." And where are those jobs going… to China and India of course, countries that have no intention of crippling their economies with "Cap-and-Trade" schemes. “Cap-and-Trade" is being pushed as a system to encourage businesses to engage in "environmentally responsible activities", but it has little to do with the environment and instead will deprive you of your income, control your behavior, and stifle your liberties. Remember Obama’s campaign comment: "We can't drive our SUVs, and eat whatever we want, and keep our homes at 72 [degrees] all the time, whether we live in the desert or the tundra, and keep consuming 25% of the world's resources with just 4% of the world's population... That's not going to happen." Sounds to me like he was serious, and on that note I think I’ll start laying in a really large supply of candles and firewood, along with some extra groceries!
Then we have the plot to impose socialized medicine on us. Mr. Obama offered a hint of our future under his version of health care reform when he suggested that one way to save costs is not to spend on procedures that “…are not necessarily going to improve care” for the sick and the dying. “Maybe you’re better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller,” he said. Perhaps, but who decides if those extra dollars will or will not be spent on your care or the care of your family? Under the plan advocated by President Obama and his allies that someone will be a government bureaucrat, not a Doctor, and bureaucrats aren’t concerned about your long life. If that bureaucrat is doing his job, his only concern will be for the government’s bottom line. These are becoming scary times, and if you're over age of 55 or in ill health, be real scared. If you're chronically ill your future doesn't look very bright either. However, I wouldn’t be all that concerned about local health care, as under a liberal designed medical system every “Red State” village in the country will have its own government certified Witch Doctor, while the few remaining MD’s will be busily caring for Obama’s minions. The takeover of health care is nothing more than another power grab similar to his takeover of the banks and the automobile industry. Its goal is not to improve health care, but to reward political allies, and punish political dissent. After all, the feds already own 60% of GM, and the lord only knows how much of the financial industry. What are they going to do with that control? I don’t know, but it’s interesting to consider that of Mr. Obama’s ten top advisors, not one has any experience at operating a successful business. But they continue telling us that they know what’s best for American business… Following the “success” we’ve had with envirofreaks controlling our public lands and natural resources, I’m real curious to see what happens when those same crazies put their hand to designing cars and trucks. Does anyone besides me remember the “high quality” (sarcasm intended) of Soviet produced consumer goods as came from their government owned and controlled factories in the 50’s and 60’s? There was after all, a good reason for the high demand for western produced goods among the Russian people. You might also have noticed the news report about the federal dispersal of stimulus funds. It would seem that the “blue” counties across the nation are receiving approximately twice the stimulus funding as are the “red” counties, despite whatever needs they might have. I guess that’s the reward for supporting Obama and company.
I have little hope that these infringements upon our Constitutional rights and our liberty will fail to be passed by our rather insipid representatives in Congress. As Churchill said, Americans will try anything, and our current spineless Congress will buy anything Mr. Obama says. But I think that once the American population finally figures out just what they’re loosing, sanity will prevail, we’ll rear up on our hind legs and elect hard-nosed freedom-loving politicians at all levels of government, these laws will be repealed, and the federal government will be put firmly in its place. I’d also hope that the loony left will be told not only “no” but “HELL NO”, and America’s experiment with socialism will be exiled to history’s trash bin where it belongs!
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