Sunday, April 13, 2008
Agenda 21
Agenda 21?… Huh?…wuzzat? I’d vaguely heard of this United Nations sponsored program before, but I really didn’t know just what it referred to, and due to other concerns didn’t take the time to look into it. Actually I thought it was just another of those wild “end of the world” tales culled from the archives of the National Enquirer. Pity, as Agenda 21 actually exists, has been an official UN policy for the past sixteen years, and has apparently been accepted by 178 sovereign nations including the United States of America. It’s something that everyone in this country should be fully aware of, considering that it severely affects not only your life, but that of your kids, grandkids, and the yet unborn generations.
Agenda 21 (the “21” indicates “21st Century”) is a United Nations sponsored, world encompassing plan to ensure the ecological sustainability of the Earth by controlling all aspects of human activity that impacts the balance of nature. Or so goes the theory. Essentially it calls for developing over a period of about 30 years the much feared “one world government”, and implies a planet wide socialist culture. Virtually all decisions regarding your life are to be made for you rather than by you, by a remote and yet un-named, worldwide central government. An enormous planning and zoning commission will decide what industry is to be allowed, where it will be located, and just how it may function, along with the same decisions of where homes, schools, farms, and stores will be located. Government appointed medical experts will decide what foods you may eat, and in what quantity (but only to protect your health from unwise personal judgment of course). A population control committee will decide how many children you are allowed (probably only if you meet certain government approved genetic standards, although that’s yet unstated), while education committees will decide how those children are to be raised. The kids are to be cared for by a centrally planned public school system that provides a state friendly planned education, and I suspect will also provide their health care without your input. I imagine that such a system is considered best, so that the problems of raising your children won’t interfere with the performance of your government assigned job, and besides, if you’re not “in the loop” the kids can be better taught to be perfectly obedient citizens of this brave new world order.
There will be no crime in this upcoming socialist Utopia of course, as nobody will have any money or personal possessions worth stealing. It would be a peaceful world where no one can start a war, because no one (except the guardians of the government) are allowed to possess a weapon with which to threaten the security of the state. Greed and poverty are eliminated, as everyone works for the state, at their state appointed job, and everyone is provided for by the state, according to their needs (no exceptions allowed). Everything is centrally organized and peaceful, where we may all feel secure in knowing that tomorrow will be a carbon copy of today, as will the day after that… and the day after that. We will be ruled by the intelligentsia, who we all should know are far smarter and better qualified to rule than us ignorant unwashed commoners. I would like to know what they intend to do with those citizens who break the rules, either deliberately or by accident? Hum… Kind of makes you wonder what might be planned for the “unproductive” among us, such as retarded children, physically disabled individuals, and even senior citizens doesn’t it?
Agenda 21 was announced at the “United Nations' Earth Summit” held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June of 1992. Essentially it’s a policy called Sustainable Development (or in some circles “zero growth”) where population, production, and consumption are to be held at some environmentally friendly predetermined level. The program is now said to be part of the official policy of the United States government, and is being quietly imposed on every state in the Union. To me, using the term “Sustainable Development” is of course an immediate warning that the hard core environmentalists are at it again. Actually that’s unfair to the rational environmentalists; this sounds more like something from the kooks at Earth First or PETA! What’s planned in Agenda 21 is a program in which every decision involving our lives is determined by a government program, not by the individual most concerned. They will determine all business decisions; all property usage; the medical care you receive; what your education will consist of; planet wide economics; labor policies; your career decisions; where and how you are housed; a world wide farm policy; energy allocations; and anything else that affects every aspect of our lives. Nothing will be allowed to interfere with sustaining natures balance. The guiding principle of Agenda 21 apparently is that any individual rights are a gift of the “benign” government, wherein government giveth and government can darn well taketh away. You receive only what the government appointed bureaucrats think you deserve.
Many of us will remember the song “Little Boxes” that was quite popular during the 1960’s. Basically it describes a totally conformist world where the streets are lined with hundreds or even thousands of identical houses, and about the only choice you have is what color to paint the living room walls. With global sustainability the rule, you won’t even have to make the choice between a two or three bedroom house, as you don’t have a choice. Your housing is assigned to you, as determined by the government. Besides, you’d probably only need a two bedroom at best, as much like China today, in the name of population control you’re only allowed one child (and China enforces that law with rather draconian measures). We’ve seen the TV advertisements for weekly or monthly food deliveries (pretty much on the line of TV dinners I understand) being advertised as a weight loss aid, but in actuality is this nothing more than quietly introducing the concept of food rationing? Housed alike, fed alike, and clothed alike, what is else is planned for us? Well, how about implantable ID chips, which just might aid the government in controlling our daily movements? Sub-dermal chips are now being seriously considered for all American newborns, in a way quite similar to the mandatory Social Security numbers now assigned at birth. I suppose we wouldn’t have to worry about cars either, as we’ll probably find our assigned living quarters located within walking distance of our assigned work station. “We live in little boxes, all in a row”.
Principle #1 of the “Rio Declaration on environment and development” states (and I quote from the Rio document as copied from a UN website), “Human beings are at the centre of concerns for sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature.” For one thing, I’ll argue with the “entitled” part. You get what you earn; nobody is automatically entitled to anything except possibly death and taxes (unless you’re a member of the elite ruling class and stand to inherit the worlds wealth). The “harmony with nature” part sounds much like the stance taken by a hard core environmentalist I once had a conversation with. His idea was that we should all live a primitive, hunter-gatherer subsistence lifestyle, with the excess population being “mercifully” eliminated. I guess in the evenings we could sit around in the safety of our little box and sing “Kumbaya”, thereby making it the anthem of our sustainable new world.
Wikipedia, the on-line encyclopedia, defines sustainability as “a characteristic of a process or state that can be maintained at a certain level indefinitely. The term, in its environmental usage, refers to the potential longevity of vital human ecological support systems, such as the planet's climatic system, systems of agriculture, industry, forestry, and fisheries, and human communities in general and the various systems on which they depend in balance with the impacts of our unsustainable or sustainable design.” I imagine we could get Al Gore to explain global warming and the planet’s climatic system to us, but how about the rest of it? Every time people try to “adjust” the natural balance of nature (no matter how we think to improve it), we wind up with another localized ecological disaster! Looking at the results of the changes our government has mandated in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries over the last few years, this whole thing is beginning to look like an enormous planet wide anti-human conspiracy, orchestrated by a bunch of starry eyed environmental idealists! Unfortunately, the rest of us aren’t being given any choice in the matter. We get to be the worker bees in an experimental planet sized hive!
I can always hope that I’m being unnecessarily an alarmist, or perhaps reading something into all this that simply isn’t there, but from all appearances we are on just this track. If you try to find an answer for all the seemingly screw-ball things that our government has been foisting on us lately, you get some vague doubletalk that makes absolutely no sense at all, and certainly doesn’t answer your question. We’re slowly being disarmed under the guise of “protecting the public” via gun control. “Real ID” allows the government a means to control our every movement. Credit cards, direct deposit and computers allow the government to track and control our personal finances. Taxes, particularly those odious hidden taxes, rob us of the fruits of our labor and “redistributes” our wealth all over the world. Globalization sends our jobs overseas, and doesn’t seem to be attracting any jobs here. A lack of immigration control invites a flood of undocumented cheap labor to grab whatever jobs are left. When a bazillion dollar bank goes broke due to their own fiscal foolishness, the government quickly takes our money and bails them out of the jam… but seemingly can do nothing if a citizen looses his home because of that bank. The courts read anything they want into the laws, while bureaucrats make law, and congress just spends our hard earned money. The bright ideas of government educational experts are dumbing down our children. Political correctness, backed by law, has robbed us of our freedom of speech. Assorted government required licensing and permits control nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Environmentalists, backed by the government, control our national wildlands, not “we the people” who own those lands. And we can seemingly do nothing to halt this continuous government supported erosion of our freedoms.
There’s also the fact that the various “true believers” in socialism have, for a very long time, been trying to force their brand of governance on the entire world. They nearly succeeded with communism and the Soviet Union, but they failed to take into account the real world of economics and the variables of human nature, so the whole assemblage self destructed. Despite its good points (and there are a few), the fact remains that socialism just doesn’t work over any period of time for any but a few insect species. Yet socialists continually insist that they have all the answers to the problems of humanity, if only we would allow them to take over, and of course “share the wealth” equally among all the peoples of the world. Their theory of economics failed to prove their point, so now they’re going to use the bug-a-boo of over population, and toss in global warming as seasoning! Such persistence can be admired I guess, but I do wish they’d pick a better subject.
So Mr. Congressman; is or is not “Agenda 21” a United Nations sponsored program, and has or has not the US government become a signatory to this program? Both parts of this question can be answered with a simple yes or no rather than political sidestepping and fast talking. Do you actually intend to allow our government to turn the nation, and all its citizens, over to UN control, without our unanimous agreement? What gives you the right to try something like that? And just how do you plan to explain this horrific plan to your bosses, the American voters?
Something this all-encompassing could not be accomplished overnight of course, but it could be introduced in numerous small steps taken over a long period of time. Might this be at least part of the reason we have seen so many highly restrictive laws and regulations passed by the federal government over the last decade or so? As I understand the Agenda 21 timeline, the final steps are planned to be taken somewhere in the years 2040 – 2050. I guess that allows plenty of time for us “old timers” who remember the freedom Americans enjoyed in the past to die off, thus making it much easier for the new world order to take over.
There are currently around six billion humans on the planet, and through overpopulation we are slowly but surely wreaking havoc with the environment. That is a given. Runaway population already threatens to turn the Earth into an all encompassing mega city. Our resources are not inexhaustible, we’ve nearly reached the limits of our energy resources, many parts of the world have already run out of potable water, and atmospheric pollution is a major problem in far to many areas. Our food supply is already endangered by the rapid expansion of towns and cities. If humanity is to survive on Earth, then resource rationing is likely to become a necessity along with some form of population control, if that is, our shortsighted leaders fail to recognize the alternatives. As I see things, we have essentially three choices open to us. We could become the socialistic hive dwelling creatures of Agenda 21. Second; we could use our ingenuity and technology to expand our species into the vastness of space and utilize the seemingly endless resources found there to sustain our planet, or thirdly; somewhat like the dinosaur, we can face the inevitable extinction of the human race.
For the moment however, I have seen our centrally planned future… and I ain’t gonna like it…
Agenda 21 (the “21” indicates “21st Century”) is a United Nations sponsored, world encompassing plan to ensure the ecological sustainability of the Earth by controlling all aspects of human activity that impacts the balance of nature. Or so goes the theory. Essentially it calls for developing over a period of about 30 years the much feared “one world government”, and implies a planet wide socialist culture. Virtually all decisions regarding your life are to be made for you rather than by you, by a remote and yet un-named, worldwide central government. An enormous planning and zoning commission will decide what industry is to be allowed, where it will be located, and just how it may function, along with the same decisions of where homes, schools, farms, and stores will be located. Government appointed medical experts will decide what foods you may eat, and in what quantity (but only to protect your health from unwise personal judgment of course). A population control committee will decide how many children you are allowed (probably only if you meet certain government approved genetic standards, although that’s yet unstated), while education committees will decide how those children are to be raised. The kids are to be cared for by a centrally planned public school system that provides a state friendly planned education, and I suspect will also provide their health care without your input. I imagine that such a system is considered best, so that the problems of raising your children won’t interfere with the performance of your government assigned job, and besides, if you’re not “in the loop” the kids can be better taught to be perfectly obedient citizens of this brave new world order.
There will be no crime in this upcoming socialist Utopia of course, as nobody will have any money or personal possessions worth stealing. It would be a peaceful world where no one can start a war, because no one (except the guardians of the government) are allowed to possess a weapon with which to threaten the security of the state. Greed and poverty are eliminated, as everyone works for the state, at their state appointed job, and everyone is provided for by the state, according to their needs (no exceptions allowed). Everything is centrally organized and peaceful, where we may all feel secure in knowing that tomorrow will be a carbon copy of today, as will the day after that… and the day after that. We will be ruled by the intelligentsia, who we all should know are far smarter and better qualified to rule than us ignorant unwashed commoners. I would like to know what they intend to do with those citizens who break the rules, either deliberately or by accident? Hum… Kind of makes you wonder what might be planned for the “unproductive” among us, such as retarded children, physically disabled individuals, and even senior citizens doesn’t it?
Agenda 21 was announced at the “United Nations' Earth Summit” held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June of 1992. Essentially it’s a policy called Sustainable Development (or in some circles “zero growth”) where population, production, and consumption are to be held at some environmentally friendly predetermined level. The program is now said to be part of the official policy of the United States government, and is being quietly imposed on every state in the Union. To me, using the term “Sustainable Development” is of course an immediate warning that the hard core environmentalists are at it again. Actually that’s unfair to the rational environmentalists; this sounds more like something from the kooks at Earth First or PETA! What’s planned in Agenda 21 is a program in which every decision involving our lives is determined by a government program, not by the individual most concerned. They will determine all business decisions; all property usage; the medical care you receive; what your education will consist of; planet wide economics; labor policies; your career decisions; where and how you are housed; a world wide farm policy; energy allocations; and anything else that affects every aspect of our lives. Nothing will be allowed to interfere with sustaining natures balance. The guiding principle of Agenda 21 apparently is that any individual rights are a gift of the “benign” government, wherein government giveth and government can darn well taketh away. You receive only what the government appointed bureaucrats think you deserve.
Many of us will remember the song “Little Boxes” that was quite popular during the 1960’s. Basically it describes a totally conformist world where the streets are lined with hundreds or even thousands of identical houses, and about the only choice you have is what color to paint the living room walls. With global sustainability the rule, you won’t even have to make the choice between a two or three bedroom house, as you don’t have a choice. Your housing is assigned to you, as determined by the government. Besides, you’d probably only need a two bedroom at best, as much like China today, in the name of population control you’re only allowed one child (and China enforces that law with rather draconian measures). We’ve seen the TV advertisements for weekly or monthly food deliveries (pretty much on the line of TV dinners I understand) being advertised as a weight loss aid, but in actuality is this nothing more than quietly introducing the concept of food rationing? Housed alike, fed alike, and clothed alike, what is else is planned for us? Well, how about implantable ID chips, which just might aid the government in controlling our daily movements? Sub-dermal chips are now being seriously considered for all American newborns, in a way quite similar to the mandatory Social Security numbers now assigned at birth. I suppose we wouldn’t have to worry about cars either, as we’ll probably find our assigned living quarters located within walking distance of our assigned work station. “We live in little boxes, all in a row”.
Principle #1 of the “Rio Declaration on environment and development” states (and I quote from the Rio document as copied from a UN website), “Human beings are at the centre of concerns for sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature.” For one thing, I’ll argue with the “entitled” part. You get what you earn; nobody is automatically entitled to anything except possibly death and taxes (unless you’re a member of the elite ruling class and stand to inherit the worlds wealth). The “harmony with nature” part sounds much like the stance taken by a hard core environmentalist I once had a conversation with. His idea was that we should all live a primitive, hunter-gatherer subsistence lifestyle, with the excess population being “mercifully” eliminated. I guess in the evenings we could sit around in the safety of our little box and sing “Kumbaya”, thereby making it the anthem of our sustainable new world.
Wikipedia, the on-line encyclopedia, defines sustainability as “a characteristic of a process or state that can be maintained at a certain level indefinitely. The term, in its environmental usage, refers to the potential longevity of vital human ecological support systems, such as the planet's climatic system, systems of agriculture, industry, forestry, and fisheries, and human communities in general and the various systems on which they depend in balance with the impacts of our unsustainable or sustainable design.” I imagine we could get Al Gore to explain global warming and the planet’s climatic system to us, but how about the rest of it? Every time people try to “adjust” the natural balance of nature (no matter how we think to improve it), we wind up with another localized ecological disaster! Looking at the results of the changes our government has mandated in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries over the last few years, this whole thing is beginning to look like an enormous planet wide anti-human conspiracy, orchestrated by a bunch of starry eyed environmental idealists! Unfortunately, the rest of us aren’t being given any choice in the matter. We get to be the worker bees in an experimental planet sized hive!
I can always hope that I’m being unnecessarily an alarmist, or perhaps reading something into all this that simply isn’t there, but from all appearances we are on just this track. If you try to find an answer for all the seemingly screw-ball things that our government has been foisting on us lately, you get some vague doubletalk that makes absolutely no sense at all, and certainly doesn’t answer your question. We’re slowly being disarmed under the guise of “protecting the public” via gun control. “Real ID” allows the government a means to control our every movement. Credit cards, direct deposit and computers allow the government to track and control our personal finances. Taxes, particularly those odious hidden taxes, rob us of the fruits of our labor and “redistributes” our wealth all over the world. Globalization sends our jobs overseas, and doesn’t seem to be attracting any jobs here. A lack of immigration control invites a flood of undocumented cheap labor to grab whatever jobs are left. When a bazillion dollar bank goes broke due to their own fiscal foolishness, the government quickly takes our money and bails them out of the jam… but seemingly can do nothing if a citizen looses his home because of that bank. The courts read anything they want into the laws, while bureaucrats make law, and congress just spends our hard earned money. The bright ideas of government educational experts are dumbing down our children. Political correctness, backed by law, has robbed us of our freedom of speech. Assorted government required licensing and permits control nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Environmentalists, backed by the government, control our national wildlands, not “we the people” who own those lands. And we can seemingly do nothing to halt this continuous government supported erosion of our freedoms.
There’s also the fact that the various “true believers” in socialism have, for a very long time, been trying to force their brand of governance on the entire world. They nearly succeeded with communism and the Soviet Union, but they failed to take into account the real world of economics and the variables of human nature, so the whole assemblage self destructed. Despite its good points (and there are a few), the fact remains that socialism just doesn’t work over any period of time for any but a few insect species. Yet socialists continually insist that they have all the answers to the problems of humanity, if only we would allow them to take over, and of course “share the wealth” equally among all the peoples of the world. Their theory of economics failed to prove their point, so now they’re going to use the bug-a-boo of over population, and toss in global warming as seasoning! Such persistence can be admired I guess, but I do wish they’d pick a better subject.
So Mr. Congressman; is or is not “Agenda 21” a United Nations sponsored program, and has or has not the US government become a signatory to this program? Both parts of this question can be answered with a simple yes or no rather than political sidestepping and fast talking. Do you actually intend to allow our government to turn the nation, and all its citizens, over to UN control, without our unanimous agreement? What gives you the right to try something like that? And just how do you plan to explain this horrific plan to your bosses, the American voters?
Something this all-encompassing could not be accomplished overnight of course, but it could be introduced in numerous small steps taken over a long period of time. Might this be at least part of the reason we have seen so many highly restrictive laws and regulations passed by the federal government over the last decade or so? As I understand the Agenda 21 timeline, the final steps are planned to be taken somewhere in the years 2040 – 2050. I guess that allows plenty of time for us “old timers” who remember the freedom Americans enjoyed in the past to die off, thus making it much easier for the new world order to take over.
There are currently around six billion humans on the planet, and through overpopulation we are slowly but surely wreaking havoc with the environment. That is a given. Runaway population already threatens to turn the Earth into an all encompassing mega city. Our resources are not inexhaustible, we’ve nearly reached the limits of our energy resources, many parts of the world have already run out of potable water, and atmospheric pollution is a major problem in far to many areas. Our food supply is already endangered by the rapid expansion of towns and cities. If humanity is to survive on Earth, then resource rationing is likely to become a necessity along with some form of population control, if that is, our shortsighted leaders fail to recognize the alternatives. As I see things, we have essentially three choices open to us. We could become the socialistic hive dwelling creatures of Agenda 21. Second; we could use our ingenuity and technology to expand our species into the vastness of space and utilize the seemingly endless resources found there to sustain our planet, or thirdly; somewhat like the dinosaur, we can face the inevitable extinction of the human race.
For the moment however, I have seen our centrally planned future… and I ain’t gonna like it…
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