Friday, November 2, 2012


When then President George Washington left office on March 4th, 1797, he peacefully handed the reins of power to the President elect, John Adams, thereby establishing a proud American tradition of non-violent political succession that has faltered only once during over the last 215 years.  Certainly we have had threats of violence through the years, and even the occasional political riot or two, but to our credit, Americans have basically remained a peaceful people, happily voting with a ballot, not a bullet, unlike some of our rather excitable southern neighbors.  Now however, as most folks have heard, with Governor Romney surging in the polls many supporters of Mr. Obama have begun an internet firestorm of threats to riot nationwide and even to leave the U.S. should Obama be defeated.  I really don’t think this is what Mr. Obama meant when he called for more civility in politics, but with the loony left, who knows.  We have of course heard all this before, particularly from the Hollywood celebrity crowd back when President Bush the younger defeated Al Gore and later when he defeated John Kerry.  Unfortunately, none of those folks actually did leave, at least none that I’ve heard of.

It looks however, like all these calls for street violence, arson, and whatever are coming from the inner cities, which I guess is understandable.  That is where we find the vast majority of the “47%” that Mitt Romney spoke of, people who are totally dependant on government handouts, the very same people who are terrified that Romney will cut of their monthly “manna-from-heaven” welfare check, and actually make them go to work!  Interestingly enough, the vast majority of previous riots in the US have taken place in those same ghettoes of the larger cities, where the “revelers” have concentrated their efforts on killing each other, looting their neighbors property, and burning down their own neighborhood.  Then of course they… and the liberal media… lambaste the government for being to slow at delivering relief supplies, lots of sympathy, and truckloads of money.  Someone will I’m sure, object to my saying “all these calls” emanate from the big city ghettoes, but honestly folks, I haven’t seen any riots, or threats of riots, come from small town America or rural areas.  I guess suburban and rural folks are to busy working for a living to be very interested in destroying much of anything.  As to “leaving the country”, New Zealand seemed to be a popular destination, while other countries on the list include Canada, England, Scotland, Australia, Mexico, Ireland and Italy.  Even the island paradise of Cuba got a few mentions.  I’m not to sure just what the folks already living in those countries would have to say about an influx of expat American liberals suddenly descending on their shores, but I’d happily donate to a charity fund buying them all one-way tickets!

With my well known “sick sense of humor”, I do get a chuckle out of some of the responses to the question "Will the most divisive campaign in modern American history culminate in massive riots in our major cities?" (from the Drudge report I understand).  Some claim that the fireworks will be visible from space, others claim that the country is going to break out into “Riot City” no matter who wins, and others are using the term “Gun City”.  And once again comments about “Civil War” are becoming more common.  Conditions are certainly "ripe for it" others claim, with Americans being "very angry and frustrated right now."  Many say “allegations that someone stole the election could be enough to set the streets of America on fire.”  “Voter fraud” and “Election fraud” are supposed to be the trigger, and quite unfortunately we’ve already had a few instances of that occur, with scattered election machines that automatically defaulted Romney votes to Obama (the problem has since been corrected election officials are quick to claim).

Hurricane Sandy got into the act as well, by tearing up a lot of the east coast.  Considering the damages to the electrical grid, New Jersey plans to deploy military trucks (and military personnel) to storm battered communities to serve as polling places, a move quite likely to be copied by other states as well.  I guess it’s a logical move, but I bet the very idea scares the bejabbers out of a good many far right potential Romney voters.

On the conspiracy theory front, word is filtering through the internet that the government, in the form of FEMA, is planning to postpone the entire election until the east coast is back on it’s feet.  I certainly hope not, as no faster than government accomplishes anything we may not get to vote again until long after Mr. Obama has died of natural causes!  Still, it’s a possibility though, considering the vast number of Obama fans living in those affected regions, whom the Democrats are probably concerned about their chances of finding a polling place amidst the wreckage, and thus cluttering up the scene with “hanging chads”.

Current conspiracies theories have U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette, commander of the USS John C. Stennis carrier battle group, having been recalled for “inappropriate leadership judgment”, as being part of a plot to overthrow the U.S. government if Obama should win the election.  On top of that, General Carter F. Ham, erstwhile commander of USAFRICOM, is rumored to have been “carted” away, and possibly even under arrest by the Obama Regime.  Reportedly Gen. Ham refused a “stand down” order from the White House, and attempted a rescue mission to Benghazi.  So, did Gen. Ham actually disobey orders… or was he implicated in plotting some sort of “Seven Days in May” style military coup with Adm. Gaouette?  Anything’s possible I suppose, in Mr. Obama’s somewhat paranoid White House.

The Democratic Party of Harry Truman and John Kennedy has lost its mind and its way.  It’s philosophy of social and political progress has been swallowed by the intense hatreds inherited from the radicals of the ‘60’s, and those same strains of anger, dishonesty and intolerance we saw in those days.  Its leaders don’t just want to win an election; they want to silence anyone who disagrees with them, and anyone who might disagree with them.  There have been a few things I have learned over the last few decades, with one being to look beyond the news headlines, economic figures, and reported statistics to understand what is actually going on in the world. Over the last several months we have seen no shortage of headlines attempting to paint a rosy picture of a steadily improving political and economic situation in our country since the liberal left took over.  But if we dig deeper into reality we see that this is very far from true… and after four years of Obama, that can’t be blamed on Bush! 

Is it time for a change yet? 

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