Sunday, March 29, 2009

Remaking America

During his presidential campaign, Barack Obama spoke of his desire to "remake" America, to be a "transformational" President. He didn’t say "restore" nor "rebuild", but rather "Remake", as if he plans to turn our country into something quite different from the nation most of us (or at least those of us on the right, or in the center) revere. So far we’ve been lucky I guess, in that nearly everything President Obama has accomplished during his two months in office has turned out to be the exact opposite of what his campaign promises claimed, but even with that, I haven’t noticed any real change in the liberal Obama-Pelosi-Reid “Axis of Evil”. In the guise of solving our current economic crisis (caused in part by liberal economic ideas), they’re engineering what will probably be the most radical changes in our government in the nations 233-year history. And it’s not going to be the “change” we might have expected either. They seem quite intent on remaking America into a socialist utopia, no matter what it costs us. And rest assured, it will cost us…

It would be a socialist America where “redistributing the wealth” means out-of-work citizens would receive lavish government handouts and benefits, supported by the ever shrinking minority who do work and pay taxes, and at ever increasing rates naturally. Our industries, crippled by government mandates, excessive taxes, incessant regulations, and downright political interference, will end up becoming taxpayer-supported dinosaurs that can no longer compete in the marketplace, further increasing the number of unemployed Americans forced to survive on the dole. The liberal regime is further attempting to deny workers the right to a secret ballot when voting on whether or not they want to be part of a union, and eliminate present Right to Work laws in 22 states. This is a key point for Big Labor, because it would allow forced unionization of millions of workers into the dues-paying union ranks, and not incidentally that much more political power and money to labor leaders.

European style socialized medicine under the heading of "universal health care" will mean waiting weeks or perhaps even months for needed treatment, unless you happen to have the proper political connections. Treatment will be rationed by government bureaucrats on a “cost effective” basis rather than by medical doctors, in a manner similar to the profitable HMO policies of today. Your private medical records will be stored in a government database and available to all medical providers, secured I’m sure on somebody’s “ready to be stolen” laptop computer, making it just one more target for mass identity theft.

Government enforced environmentalist demands will determine where we live and what we drive. The government will decide where we live, where we work, and what sort of house we are allowed. Our food will be rationed as will our energy usage. There are efforts afoot to give the government the right to limit the number of children we’re allowed, and I hate to think what will happen to anyone who exceeds the approved limit.

We already see vast tracts of “public” lands locked away in wilderness areas, and that is rapidly expanding even as I write. Roadless areas were determined by bureaucratic decree in yet another wilderness expansion, bypassing the requirement for Congressional consent. Now we see the new “Travel Plan” regulations from federal land management agencies ordering the closure or “decommissioning” of hundreds of miles of existing roads, thus denying the public use of thousands of square miles of our public property, all by bureaucratic decision, and you might notice without our permission. We’re quite aware of the damage “environmental concerns” can do to rural economies, particularly when those concerns are based on “junk science”, and not on proven fact or common sense. In our new liberal world order we can expect to see a lot more of that I’m sure. The Supreme Court recently affirmed our second amendment right to “Keep and Bear Arms” despite massive liberal opposition. But now the liberal anti-gun crowd is at it again with plans to massively tax and regulate the ammunition for those arms.

Our centers of finance, industry, culture, and innovation, from New York to Silicon Valley, will become slums crowded with unemployed welfare recipients, while our surviving business and industry immigrate to foreign lands. We will become a socialist utopia where only politicians, government bureaucrats, and their favored friends, are able to thrive in any manner… where the only remaining "liberty" is the government's freedom to control every aspect of our lifes. A utopia where all the common citizens are equal in every way… and all living at the lowest possible subsistence level.

Our would-be masters will stop at nothing to secure the power they've come to think of as theirs by divine appointment. They will do anything to harass, intimidate, and marginalize any opposition to their rule by decree. Already, they're preparing to use federal power to stifle any opposition… by passing the "Fairness Doctrine" to silence conservative talk-radio... by enacting "card check" laws that would leave anti-union workers exposed to intimidation and harassment... by passing the “Freedom of Choice Act” which would force pro-life medical professionals to refer patients desiring an abortions.

Would you want to live in such an America? Would you want to leave such an America to your children or grandchildren? It’s certainly not something I look forward to!

If you don't believe that Barack Obama is the embodiment of the Second Coming... you don't believe that America needs a "New New Deal" in the form of a trillion-dollar "stimulus package" ... you don't believe that bans on oil drilling in the ANWR and off-shore areas serve America's need for energy independence… you don't believe that the U.S. Constitution is a "living document" that means whatever any activist Court declares it to mean... and if you do believe in the old-fashioned virtues and principles such as faith, family, freedom, and self-reliance that once made America great and can help restore that greatness today, then raise your voice in a howling storm of protest.

Get active with your protest! Talk to your relatives, friends, and neighbors. Explain to them what’s happening in this country! Write letters to the editor and call the talk radio programs voicing your opinion! Write, call, or e-mail your congressional contingent expressing your view, and remind them that you are a voter. And most importantly, at the next election, get out and vote for what you believe in!

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