Tuesday, July 24, 2007


As a part of my continual research into the wheeling and dealings of the American political circus, I regularly look into the publications of the various political persuasions, from the far right to the far left, and nearly everything between. (I get a lot of laughs that way, but occasionally I find a few points that I can agree with.) One set of terms quite often used by the very far right includes “Traitor” or “Treason” in reference to various left wing politicians, and quite a few of their political positions.

The reader might note that I refrain from using those terms no matter how much I dislike a particular person, or political view. “Traitor” and “Treason” are after all, quite serious accusations. It’s also far too easy to run afoul of the laws concerning libel and slander, which, despite my editor’s well known philanthropy and kind hearted generosity, I rather doubt we could long afford to fight a scadzillion dollar libel suit. Then too, with my well known tendency to grumble and growl about American politics and politicians, and while I might not think to highly of any particular political office holder, I have far too much respect for their office to be dragging it through the mud.

Personally I think much of Ted Kennedy’s left wing political agenda is leading this country down a “feel good” garden path to destruction. From the right wing, we have Homeland Security and a runaway fiscal policy, which I think are also going to destroy this nation. We have two diametrically opposed political stances, both of which are quite adamant that they are correct, and the other side is wrong. (I think both are wrong, but that’s another story.) Both ends of the American political spectrum need to get a healthy dose of reality, but certainly neither side is doing anything that could properly be called treasonous. Mistaken, misguided, or just plain stupid perhaps, but certainly not treasonous.

Nearly everyone who holds political office has a few skeletons hidden away that they desperately hope the media, and their political opponents, never discover. They have private lives (despite the media’s best efforts) that may or may not be shining examples of what we consider “Americanism”, but that’s hardly treasonous either. The mud slinging, baseless accusations, and rabble rousing, and flat out lying that accompanies our campaign season is little more than typical American “politics as usual”, not treason. Many of the conspiracy theories so beloved by our radical extremist’s could well be considered treasonous if they were in any way true. They have yet to be proven however, so we can leave them on the sidelines for now.

What I do think borders on treason against the United States is the “what’s in it for me and the rest of you can go hang” mindset that has developed among the American people over the last few decades, a mindset that I see nothing admirable in, and that I feel is rapidly tearing us apart as a nation. Perhaps we need to re-learn the lessons of national pride and cooperation, with a bit of common sense thrown in as well. A little morality in Hollywierd wouldn’t hurt either.

I’m the great-grandson of Irish and German immigrants who, through a lot of toil, sweat, and tears succeeded at becoming Americans, and who taught their children and children’s children American values. Certainly I’m proud of my Irish ancestry, but the catch-phrase here is “made in America… with Irish parts”. I don’t believe that “cultural diversity” is such a wonderful thing that we must become a nation of raging (and often warring) minority groups, each demanding special treatment. We don’t need that in America; people come to this country from wherever to escape just that!

I’m a man who dedicated his working life to public service, both as a soldier and as a firefighter and paramedic, for the "privilege" of working 60, 70 and 80 hours a week, risking life and limb, because I do believe in John Kennedy’s words, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what can you do for your country”. I’m quite tired of hearing from people who seek only “entitlements”, who see only negativity in this land, racism in its people, class warfare in our society, and "political incorrectness" in our national character.

While I don’t attend church very often, I’m a man who believes in God; a God who has blessed this country, its people, and all that it stands for. I’m someone who knows that miracles do exist in this modern world, and if you doubt that, you need only to look into the face of those who receive them… and the eyes of those who give them. I believe in the sanctity of life, and that abortion is something to be decided between a woman, her husband, her doctor, and her priest, not by politicians pandering the political left for votes, nor by fanatics clamoring for attention at the expense of the unborn.

I’m ashamed of those individuals in public and private life, whose decisions and actions are devoid of any sense of character or morals, individuals who only consider what's most advantageous for them, rather than what's morally right or wrong.

I’m an ex-movie fan who is totally disgusted with insecure, socially inept, elementary thinking, ego-inflated "entertainers" who have appointed themselves "experts" in the fields of national security and geo-politics, and who then use their forum to attack our nation, its leaders and its actions, much to the delight and encouragement of our enemies.

I’m a voter who’s getting almighty tired of politicians who, every time their voting record is subjected to public scrutiny, try to divert attention from their political and legislative failures by accusing their opponents of "attack ads" and "negative campaigning". I’m also quite tired of the self-serving news media that lets them get away with it.

What I am is a human being, full of faults and failures, but still a man who, though not always successful, has continually striven to do "what's right" instead of "what's easy." I’m an American who wants to preserve our way of life for all who seek it, and who will defend it until the day I die. So, rather than getting my dander up (and risking a frivolous lawsuit as well), I’ll merely challenge the political, social, educational, and religious leaders of this nation to live up to no more than my somewhat simplistic standards.

I’d like them to stop being ‘Americas "Axis of Idiots"’ whose collective greed and stupidity will ultimately destroy us. If it bothers them that defending our nation, ourselves, and our way of life, gets in the way of their elitist self-serving politics, vapid utopian dreams, and ignorant editorializing, then I’ll suggest they follow their own advice and go elsewhere… if they can find someplace that will have them.

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