Tuesday, November 29, 2016


I have to smile at the post-election antics of our Hollywood “Stars”.  After threatening, repeatedly, to “leave the country” or “go to Canada” if Mr. Trump won the election, I’ve noticed that since Mr. Trump won after all, en-mass they seem to be reneging on their campaign promise.  I understand that the weather in Canada is “too cold” all the sudden, or that it’s probably “to far” from the studio.  I’d also suspect that they’re somewhat concerned that Canada would deny them the political asylum that would further their publicity stunt.  Besides that, would any of ‘em really want to trade their cushy Malibu mansions for a life among all those “uncultured” rustic Canadians?  Oddly enough, with all the sudden concern about their reception in Canada, I haven’t heard of any of ‘em moving to Mexico either!  They’re probably worried about Mexico deporting them back to the U.S.!  (I wonder if we could refuse their return?)

Mike Pence’s trip to the theater didn’t end as badly as Abe Lincoln’s either, but I can just hear those entitled actors shouting “Sic semper tyrannis!” at him.  They had the gall to lecture Pence on the founding “ideals” of the country even as they throw infantile tantrums about those supposedly antiquated principles.  Of course those “ideals” they refer to originated, not in 1776, but more like 1966. And they’re not even ideals, but are little more than totalitarianism in which “freedom” and “justice” have no meaning apart from whatever liberals want at any given moment.  Perhaps the drug scene has fried their brains?  As one pundit put it, “At this rate, John Wilkes Booth may end up with a star on Hollywood’s walk of fame”, and I’m sure they’re mourning the recent death of that bastion of liberal thinking, Fidel Castro.

Apparently they are in a secessionist mood however.  Hollywood Dimocratic liberals are now considering an independent California through something they call “Calexit.” They would like to leave the country but without having to go through all the trials and tribulations of actually relocating to another country.  Besides, they can then elect Hillary as their President without all that outdated conservative contention, make Obama a justice on their Supreme Court, and out of our hair.  Still, I’d hate to see the United States break-up and go the way of the Soviet Union, which, with the exception of Russia has become little more than a loose confederation of squabbling third world countries. 

However, Calexit might not be all that bad an idea after all…  At least it would solve one set of problems facing our society.

Since the late 1950’s, conservatives and liberals in this country have more or less stuck together for the sake of future generations.  But our latest election has made me realize that this relationship has just about run its course.  The two ideological sides of America cannot agree on what is right for us, resulting in social and political stalemate.  So, rather than wreck the country with further rioting and an “unable to do anything” congress, let’s just chalk it up to irreconcilable differences, split the sheets, and each go our own way. 

Here are a few ideas for an equitable separation, adapted from comments in an e-mail I received recently. 

Consider, conservatives don't like liberal redistributive taxes, so California can keep them.  They’re also welcome to the liberal judges, liberal educators, NBC, the New York Times, and the ACLU.  Since liberals hate guns and war, the rest of us will take our firearms, the cops, the NRA, and the US Armed Forces. 

They can have wind, solar and biodiesel energy, and we'll take the smelly oil industry and those nasty coalmines.  They can have all the “Smart Cars” they can find, and we’ll keep the muscle cars, full size pick-ups, and SUV’s. They can keep Oprah, Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnell as well, but good luck on finding a bio-diesel vehicle big enough to move all three of them.  We’ll give them Je$$e Jackson and Al Sharpton as well.  You can also have your beloved ObamaCare, a free college education, lifelong welfare recipients, hippies, druggies, illegal aliens, peaceniks, wild-eyed environuts, and assorted protesters.  However, I dunno what you’re going to do for a Big Mac once you get rid of all those methane-emitting cows.  Tofu burgers perhaps?

We'll keep the Ten Commandments and our Judeo-Christian values of course, while California is more than welcome to Islam, Scientology, Humanism, political correctness, and Shirley McClain.  I wonder if we could interest them in a few wolves and grizzly bears while we’re at it?

We'll keep "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and the National Anthem.  I'm sure California would be happy to substitute "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing" or "We Are the World" which would probably attract a lot of rich NFL players.  Additionally, since it often offends them, we'll keep America’s Constitution, our history, our name, our flag, and capitalism.  As it seems to be much more in line with liberal goals and interests, they can have the Sierra Club, an open border with Mexico, diplomatic relations with the drug cartels, and the Rainbow Flag. 

They’re more than welcome to make nice with Iran and Palestine, while we'll retain the right to invade, romping and stomping all over those people and countries that threaten us or our allies.  They can also have the U.N. but we won’t be paying the bills anymore. 

Now that I’ve probably succeeded in antagonizing the entire loony left, and in the spirit of a friendly parting, I'll suggest they seriously consider which of us will need whose help in the next few years.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

2016 Election

The 2016 Presidential election is over (Praise the Lord!), and, as happens in every election, the public has expressed their will, and one side emerged victorious, while the other lost.  Personally I don’t see anything overly complex about that.  As per usual there was a considerable amount of muckraking and mudslinging as well, which I don’t think is one of the better points in our electoral system.  Another point of contention was the possibility of a “rigged” election, with both sides casting a baleful eye toward their opponent.  Over the course of the campaign, Hillary raised 1.3 billion dollars, and I suspect spent most of it.  Mr. Trump on the other hand raised $795 million dollars, and again probably spent most of it.  The voters turned out in nearly record numbers, had their say, leaving Hillary with 60,839,922 votes, and Donald with 60,265,858 votes at last count.  Now, despite having a nationwide total of nearly 600,000 votes more than Donald, Hillary is not a clear winner, due to the idiosyncrasies of the American electoral process.  Here, the popular vote of each state selects “Electors” who are pledged to vote for a specific candidate.  (If you win a particular states popular vote, you win all that states electoral votes.)  The number of electors per state is equal to the number of congress critters sent to the capitol each term, plus three electors for Washington DC.  Ergo Sum, 538 electors determine who will be the next president.

This year Hillary won the entire left coast, and the northeast as expected, plus a smattering of central states.  Donald won all the rest, including a few that were considered to be “shoo-ins” by the Clinton camp.  So now the scoreboard reads Clinton 232, and Trump 306.  (270 electoral votes is the magic number.) This somewhat cumbersome system (rather that a direct “popular vote” system) was emplaced when the framers of our Constitution made an effort to restrain the more populous states from running roughshod over the smaller states, and it has worked reasonably well for over two hundred years.  Changing this system will require a constitutional amendment, which I don’t see happening in the near future either.

A little more than a week ago the Democratic Party insisted that everyone accept the legitimacy of the election.  Now however they’ve lost, so what we are seeing today is that much of the left think that, like so many other things, the world is a one way street traveling only in their direction.  I guess we can force ourselves to live with that as long as they don’t get to carried away.  This time around however, the kicker is a whole lot of spoiled liberals, concerned about loosing all their free stuff are, besides throwing temper tantrums in the streets of our cities, circulating petitions demanding that the electors change their vote, thus putting Hillary in office rather than The Donald.  Technically this could be done, as there are no federal laws forcing the electors to vote as they are pledged.  Some state do have laws that require that they vote as pledged, and I’d think that if they were to change their votes, they’re going to be in a lot of very hot water when they get home!  (Tar and feathers anyone?)

Since the later 1960’s the left has refused to hold itself accountable for any of its actions. Having once declared liberal dissent patriotic, conservative dissent, for the last eight years under the Obama regime has been called homophobic, bigoted, and racist. Both conservatives and avowed Christians have been viciously attacked by the radical left, hounded from their jobs, silenced, and punished for refusing to go along with the leftist agenda. The left, like spoiled children, demand that everyone follow their ideal of cultural homogeneity, and is outraged that so many Americans refuse to go along with their communistic, anti-American, and anti-Christian, secular agenda.

On November 11th, 2016, the chickens came home to roost as the American people repudiated the rampant socialism of Mr. Obama, Mrs. Clinton, and the liberal left.  As a result radical liberals, appalled that moderates and conservatives would elect a president who might repeal some of their cherished social engineering failures, returned to their old strategy of civil disobedience, mass protests, and rioting.  Professional activists who have no skill other than agitation have trained a large group of people to do nothing but protest.  Demonstrating their childish nature once again, they have flown into hysterics rather than trying to reunite the country they have been so instrumental in dividing, and it’s quite clear that we are even more divided than ever.  The left may love humanity as a concept, but they are prone to think the absolute worst of their neighbors, and have nothing but contempt for those who do see things differently.  That worldview is on full display in the American streets today.

I was taught by my parents, and in school, to have faith in God, love of country, family, a belief in American exceptionalism, our capitalist system, Judeo-Christian values, our Constitution, a limited government, personal responsibility, economic freedom, along with our military and police.  Everything on that list, everything we believe in, everything that made America great, has been under assault for eight long years now, by the leaders of our own leftist federal government. 
And Hillary Clinton is still here, hoping against hope, to finish the job. She already publicly stated she wants to be Obama’s third term.  Hillary would open the borders wide, to let in millions of both illegal aliens and terrorists who have no love for anything in our way of life that made America great.
Illegal’s no longer come here to become a part of the American dream, they come for a love of food stamps, housing allowances, free medical care, free education for their children, free meals at school, and don’t forget $3,000 welfare payments disguised as "earned income tax credits," for people who have paid no taxes.  Illegals come here for the cradle to grave welfare state that America has become.  The majority of them will vote for Democrats forever to keep the checks coming.  Checks that require our taxpayers to foot the bill.  That apparently is Hillary’s plan.  Terrorists come here for one reason only, that of destroying our nation and our very culture, thus making us a parody of the land they left behind.

In the universe of the Star Trek sci-fi shows, the “Federation” is all about ensuring that people benefit, and have a role, in the forward evolution of a wondrous future.  This is a concept that we here on our little “Pale Blue Marble” should seriously consider adopting for the long term good of ourselves and of our descendants.  Well planned and considered progress is where we will find the utopia of which we dream, we will not find it in immediately adopting the instant, “feel good” welfare “nanny state” so stridently demanded by our current crop of unthinking radical left wing liberals, a nanny state that will only benefit the elites of our world, and drive the rest of us into abject poverty…