Thursday, September 15, 2016

A Special Flag

On my living room wall hangs a very special United States flag.  Not made of cotton, nylon, or any other fabric normally used for flags, this particular flag is made of barbed wire salvaged from last year’s fires, and constructed by local artist Har-V Wolfsen of Har-V’s Wild Notions in Kooskia.  Har-V tells me that each flag contains about 200 feet of wire carefully straightened, formed, and welded together.  The finish is a powder coating done by a special process he developed specifically for this project.  I understand it takes about two weeks work to make each flag.

Har-V’s done several of these flags so far, and what will undoubtedly become the best known was presented to Presidential candidate Donald Trump when he was campaigning in Spokane recently.  This flag currently resides at the Trump campaign office in New York.  Another resides at the Veterans Memorial at the annual Sturgis motorcycle rally.

I asked Har-V why he decided to use barbed wire of all things, to make an American Flag of, and was informed that he had been asked to do so, and that no one else had ever done it before.  I commented that I had thought it might have been in protest the freedoms we have lost to political correctness in this liberal world we seem to inhabit, and got a sly grin in response to that suggestion.  But yes, barbed wire is quite symbolic I think considering the constraints that have somehow replaced the freedoms that made our nation so exceptional.

Consider, by the liberal standards that seem to be taking over our country, I was born white, therefore I am a racist.  I am heterosexual, which makes me a homophobe.  I am a Christian, which makes me an Islamophobe.  I'm an American Patriot that believes in the Constitutional right to own a gun, which makes me a radical right wing nut job.  I think and I reason, therefore I doubt much that the mainstream media tells me, which makes me a reactionary.  I am proud of my heritage and our distinctly American culture, which makes me a xenophobe.  I value my safety and that of my family; therefore I appreciate the police and the legal system, which makes me a right-wing extremist.  I am a veteran who believes in the defense and protection of this nation by all citizens, which makes me a militarist.  Heck, I’m not even sure which restroom I’m supposed to use anymore!

And, if I disagree with any of these liberal descriptors, then I’m called a “Hater”, probably correctly I guess, because I hate what the loony leftists and their ignorant followers are doing to the country I love, and have faithfully served for so many years.

In the meantime, my barbed wire flag hangs proudly on my wall.

Sunday, September 11, 2016


The folks speaking out against Trump’s presidential ambitions are definitely making it easier for me to decide about voting for him or not.  So, to simplify things I’ll paraphrase a list of talking points I received in a couple of e-mails the other day.  

Is he the “Perfect Candidate” whose thoughts mirror mine?  Does he say everything the way I would say it?  Am I sure that his motives are pure?  Can I point to any other Politician that I like better?  Do I like what I have seen happen to my country over the last 7-1/2 years?  Do I like the "fundamental changes" that jerk in the White House has brought about?  My answer to all of these is… a very loud and resounding NO!  But, if I decide I don’t like Trump, am I then going to refuse to Vote, and let Mr. Obama’s handpicked raging liberal successor, Hillary Clinton win?  An equally loud NO! 

Contrary to the lamestream medias claims, I believe that Mr. Trump does have a number of outstanding presidential qualifications pertinent to the times.  Consider…

Obama is against Trump...  The media is against Trump...  The establishment Democrats are against Trump...  The establishment Republicans are against Trump...  The UN is against Trump...  The EU is against Trump...  China is against Trump...  Mexico is against Trump...  Soros is against Trump...  “Black Lives Matter” is against Trump...  “Move On” is against Trump...  The Koch Brothers are against Trump...  Planned Parenthood is against Trump....  Hillary and Bernie are both against Trump ...  Illegal aliens are against Trump ...  Islam is against Trump ...  Special interests are against Trump.  And our current collection of hateful, violent, loony Liberals are against Trump.  Humm…  if all these people are opposed to The Donald, and pro Hillary, then it would seem that Donald Trump is about the best qualified candidate we have!

If you have so many political insiders and left wing nuts, all scared to death of him, so that they all speak out against him at the same time, it's time to listen what all that corruption, perversion, and self-interest fears.
You may note that;  He's not a lifetime Politician...  He's not a Lawyer...  He's not doing it for the money...  He's a Natural Born American Citizen, and not a prior Indonesian citizen.  He doesn’t owe any political debts.  He doesn’t particularly favor Muslim terrorists or illegal aliens.  He doesn’t think that money grows in the taxpayers pockets, and he does know what a budget is for.

Now we get to a few bonus points as well;

Whoopi, Rosie, Sharpton, Cher, and Cyrus all say they will leave the country if he wins...  Without Mr. O’s hidden support, Hillary will likely go to jail... and a whole herd of unelected government “Czars” will become history!  The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will prevail...  You will not be able to marry your neighbors pet...  You will be able to keep your gun(s) if you qualify (If you’re not a criminal or crazy, etc.)  You can say whatever you want without being called a racist, Islamophobic, homophobic, xenophobic, religious God-fearing crackpot, sexist, etc...  Only living, registered U.S. citizens will be allowed to vote...  (Sorry about that all you undocumented democrats)  Welfare for illegal aliens will be a thing of the past.

Now, in further defense of Mr. Trump, he did not raise your taxes. He did not raise the price of food. He is not stoking up a race war.  He did not abandon any US citizens in Benghazi to be slaughtered by Muslims.  Trump did not arm the ISIS and allow them to exterminate Christians throughout the Middle East.  He did not betray Israel.  He did not provide financing and technology for Iran's nuclear weapons program.  He did not remove our nuclear missile shield in Poland at the demand of Russia.  He did not emasculate our military, and betray our veterans. Trump did not cripple our economy by increasing our debt to 20 trillion dollars. Nor has he increased welfare to record levels. 

Trump did not sign a law making it legal to imprison, and execute, Americans citizens without the benefit of a trial. He does know what a “Red Line” in the sand is.  Trump did not set free the terrorists held at Guantanamo.  He does not run off on vacation every time a crisis looms.  And I for one cannot envision Donald Trump, in the name of the American people, bowing, scraping, and apologizing to every two-bit dictator in the world!

Leftists tell us that Mr. Trump is unqualified because he doesn’t know anything about foreign affairs… well, from all appearances neither do Mr. O, Joe Biden, Hillary, or John Kerry!  He doesn’t know anything about Justice… and I don’t think that Mr. O, Justice Secretary Lynch, or Ms. Clinton do either.  He doesn’t know anything about national defense, but obviously Mr. O doesn’t, and Defense Secretary Ashton Carter should have resigned in protest after the axe job the liberal darling Mr. Obama has done on our military forces! 

The president cannot be an expert on every possible subject.  But he is expected to pick competent experts to run the various government agencies, give them specific instructions about what they’re expected to accomplish, then get out of their way and let them do their job!  Unlike Hillary, as a successful businessman Donald Trump seems to know how that works!

Donald Trump says he will make America great again, but that shouldn’t be to terribly hard.  After all, we’ve really got no place left to go, but up!