Friday, November 2, 2012


When then President George Washington left office on March 4th, 1797, he peacefully handed the reins of power to the President elect, John Adams, thereby establishing a proud American tradition of non-violent political succession that has faltered only once during over the last 215 years.  Certainly we have had threats of violence through the years, and even the occasional political riot or two, but to our credit, Americans have basically remained a peaceful people, happily voting with a ballot, not a bullet, unlike some of our rather excitable southern neighbors.  Now however, as most folks have heard, with Governor Romney surging in the polls many supporters of Mr. Obama have begun an internet firestorm of threats to riot nationwide and even to leave the U.S. should Obama be defeated.  I really don’t think this is what Mr. Obama meant when he called for more civility in politics, but with the loony left, who knows.  We have of course heard all this before, particularly from the Hollywood celebrity crowd back when President Bush the younger defeated Al Gore and later when he defeated John Kerry.  Unfortunately, none of those folks actually did leave, at least none that I’ve heard of.

It looks however, like all these calls for street violence, arson, and whatever are coming from the inner cities, which I guess is understandable.  That is where we find the vast majority of the “47%” that Mitt Romney spoke of, people who are totally dependant on government handouts, the very same people who are terrified that Romney will cut of their monthly “manna-from-heaven” welfare check, and actually make them go to work!  Interestingly enough, the vast majority of previous riots in the US have taken place in those same ghettoes of the larger cities, where the “revelers” have concentrated their efforts on killing each other, looting their neighbors property, and burning down their own neighborhood.  Then of course they… and the liberal media… lambaste the government for being to slow at delivering relief supplies, lots of sympathy, and truckloads of money.  Someone will I’m sure, object to my saying “all these calls” emanate from the big city ghettoes, but honestly folks, I haven’t seen any riots, or threats of riots, come from small town America or rural areas.  I guess suburban and rural folks are to busy working for a living to be very interested in destroying much of anything.  As to “leaving the country”, New Zealand seemed to be a popular destination, while other countries on the list include Canada, England, Scotland, Australia, Mexico, Ireland and Italy.  Even the island paradise of Cuba got a few mentions.  I’m not to sure just what the folks already living in those countries would have to say about an influx of expat American liberals suddenly descending on their shores, but I’d happily donate to a charity fund buying them all one-way tickets!

With my well known “sick sense of humor”, I do get a chuckle out of some of the responses to the question "Will the most divisive campaign in modern American history culminate in massive riots in our major cities?" (from the Drudge report I understand).  Some claim that the fireworks will be visible from space, others claim that the country is going to break out into “Riot City” no matter who wins, and others are using the term “Gun City”.  And once again comments about “Civil War” are becoming more common.  Conditions are certainly "ripe for it" others claim, with Americans being "very angry and frustrated right now."  Many say “allegations that someone stole the election could be enough to set the streets of America on fire.”  “Voter fraud” and “Election fraud” are supposed to be the trigger, and quite unfortunately we’ve already had a few instances of that occur, with scattered election machines that automatically defaulted Romney votes to Obama (the problem has since been corrected election officials are quick to claim).

Hurricane Sandy got into the act as well, by tearing up a lot of the east coast.  Considering the damages to the electrical grid, New Jersey plans to deploy military trucks (and military personnel) to storm battered communities to serve as polling places, a move quite likely to be copied by other states as well.  I guess it’s a logical move, but I bet the very idea scares the bejabbers out of a good many far right potential Romney voters.

On the conspiracy theory front, word is filtering through the internet that the government, in the form of FEMA, is planning to postpone the entire election until the east coast is back on it’s feet.  I certainly hope not, as no faster than government accomplishes anything we may not get to vote again until long after Mr. Obama has died of natural causes!  Still, it’s a possibility though, considering the vast number of Obama fans living in those affected regions, whom the Democrats are probably concerned about their chances of finding a polling place amidst the wreckage, and thus cluttering up the scene with “hanging chads”.

Current conspiracies theories have U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette, commander of the USS John C. Stennis carrier battle group, having been recalled for “inappropriate leadership judgment”, as being part of a plot to overthrow the U.S. government if Obama should win the election.  On top of that, General Carter F. Ham, erstwhile commander of USAFRICOM, is rumored to have been “carted” away, and possibly even under arrest by the Obama Regime.  Reportedly Gen. Ham refused a “stand down” order from the White House, and attempted a rescue mission to Benghazi.  So, did Gen. Ham actually disobey orders… or was he implicated in plotting some sort of “Seven Days in May” style military coup with Adm. Gaouette?  Anything’s possible I suppose, in Mr. Obama’s somewhat paranoid White House.

The Democratic Party of Harry Truman and John Kennedy has lost its mind and its way.  It’s philosophy of social and political progress has been swallowed by the intense hatreds inherited from the radicals of the ‘60’s, and those same strains of anger, dishonesty and intolerance we saw in those days.  Its leaders don’t just want to win an election; they want to silence anyone who disagrees with them, and anyone who might disagree with them.  There have been a few things I have learned over the last few decades, with one being to look beyond the news headlines, economic figures, and reported statistics to understand what is actually going on in the world. Over the last several months we have seen no shortage of headlines attempting to paint a rosy picture of a steadily improving political and economic situation in our country since the liberal left took over.  But if we dig deeper into reality we see that this is very far from true… and after four years of Obama, that can’t be blamed on Bush! 

Is it time for a change yet? 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


The 2012 campaign season is in its last gasps, thank goodness.  After all, who can stand much more of this rabid garbage?  The news reports are all about the rather vicious presidential race, even though there are a number of quite heated senatorial races going on all around the country, along with more than a few House races as well.  And, if you believe the media talking heads, this is the most important election in a generation, even though we seem to hear that description every four years or so.  Personally I think it’s probably the most crucial election in our history, deciding if we’re going to remain the US of A… or become Obama’s version of the Soviet Union.  Still, I’ll be glad to get back to Hollywierd’s insipid offerings, or better yet, a good book.  I’ve lately been reading a book entitled “The Manchurian President” written by Mr. Aaron Klein, who seems to have done considerable research into Mr. Obama’s past, and who brings up a number of interesting points.  My using that book for a reference will I’m sure, bring the loony left and the lamestream media out in droves, hissing, spitting, and baying for my blood, considering that Mr. Klein raises yet again the questions of Mr. Obama’s birth, citizenship, educational background, religion, and particularly his leftist leanings.  For my purposes I’m going to ignore all the above except for the part about Mr. Obama’s leftist leanings, and where they’re rapidly taking us. 

Mr. Klein pretty well documents that Mr. Obama has been immersed in radical left teachings since his youngest days, in most cases by far left radicals who had, even further back, absorbed the teachings of socialist writer Saul Alinsky who dates back to the 1930’s.  In some cases these people were the disciples of Alinsky.  Alinsky himself was not a communist, nor even an avowed socialist, but rather he was a dedicated leftist who focused on improving the living conditions of poor communities across North America… in itself not a bad idea.  However, many of his organizational concepts were adapted by the alienated and radicalized college students of the later 1960s, and formed a key part of their strategies for initiating the anti-government protests we saw flaring across the nation during the ‘60’s and 70’s.  In his 1946 book "Reveille for Radicals", Alinsky describes his motivation and rules of engagement, which were well understood by the social radicals of the 60’s, but were also rejected by most, who favored a communist style violent revolution within the United States during those days.  The very same radicals who were later to become Mr. Obama’s mentors.  Alinsky’s other idea, that of “working from within the system until you could gain enough power to destroy it” was also largely rejected at the time, until with the failure of the “revolution”, the “New Left” largely changed it’s methods, and is today carrying on a strategy of “boring from within” to undermine the media, academia, and of course the government.  Over the last few decades they have joined the very government they fought against as young radicals, and are deliberately bringing on a slow rot from within.  Their goal certainly has not changed, but with their hijacking of the Democratic Party in the 1970’s, their methods have evolved into mainstream politics.  These are the same America hating people, the violent bombing-rioting-arsonist radicals of the 1960’s, followers of Stalin, Mao, and Che, who nurtured Mr. Obama’s education and training as a community organizer, guided his developing political career, and whom today serve as his advisors.  Their goal, as Mr. Obama has told us innumerable times, is to “Change America”, to make the United States into whatever they want it to be, with themselves as our rulers.  An America that is not the Republic our founders envisioned, or the form of Democracy that most Americans today seem to desire.

The idea of “share the wealth” that Mr. Obama learned from his teachers is merely an updated version of the old communist ideal of “to each as to his needs”, which would I suppose be fine in theory, depending on just who is deciding what I need.  A nation of welfare “takers” certainly goes against the colonial days ideal of “No Work, No Eat”, which was explained in no uncertain terms to the “drones” among those early day colonists, an ideal that led us to becoming the most productive nation in history.  Today, with Mr. Obama’s enthusiastic guidance, we are developing an entire underclass of Americans who can share the misery of socialism, people who are undereducated, have no work ethic, no hope of improving their station in life, and who are entirely dependant on government handouts, generation after generation.  They in turn are to be ruled by a “middle-class” bureaucracy appointed by the elite, who determine what each citizen needs, and have the power to destroy any perceived upstart, merely by withholding those handouts.  And finally we have the elites at the top of the heap, the favored royalty who share the wealth, owning everything, make all the decisions, and who hand down to their under-class serfs only what they wish.  I for one have no idea how long it will take to impose this sort of rule on today’s America, but the last four years of Obama have set us well on the way.

Only a couple of hundred years ago life was rather short and brutal for the common people, a lifestyle that will plague us again under Obama’s socialism.  Whatever your status in today’s society, picture yourself living in Mr. Obama’s United Socialist States of Amerika.  You will live in a cramped and overcrowded “Welfare Island” as author Jerry Pournelle calls them, an “equal opportunity housing” ghetto where you live with a few million other “citizens”.  Your “home” is a one-room shack where you’re stuffed in with your entire family.  The government, who can evict you at any time, for any reason, owns that shack, which may or may not have an indoor toilet… or even running water.  You may or may not receive necessary medical care, depending on the whim of a government death panel.  You are of course allowed no personal property, as that would be rubbing unfair wealth in the face of other citizens not so fortunate.  Once a day everybody reports to the local soup line, where a government bureaucrat doles out your government rationed daily (basic) meal.  Your only entertainment is a steady stream of government propaganda playing on a government owned TV, or perhaps a bottle of cheap rotgut alcohol.  Your job, if you’re fortunate enough to have one, is in a government decreed position, while your minimal "paycheck fairness” wage is immediately extracted from your pocket as Income Tax.  Tax dollars saved by defunding the military would be channeled into "clean" energy stimulus programs.  Government security police, always alert for suspected disloyal thoughts or deeds will watch you day and night, while a government concentration and reeducation camp awaits any malefactors.  In fairness to all citizens, you have no chance of improving your social situation… for yourself… or for your children.  For public safety, your disarmed fellow slaves citizens have no way to fight back.  In return for this government largess… you are only expected to instantly obey your betters… and share in the misery. 

Mr. Obama must really love poor people… I think that’s why he’s been busily creating so many of them.  If he wins re-election in November, the America of a constitutionally limited government, individual rights, economic freedom, and personal liberty, will be but a vague memory.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

100 YSS

Earth is the Cradle of Mankind,
But one cannot stay in the cradle forever.
- Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky

The light-years between the stars is a seemingly insurmountable quarantine that cuts our solar system off from the rest of the galaxy. But interstellar distances may not be as insurmountable as they seem.   A large group of international big thinkers descended on Houston, Texas, recently, to discuss one very big idea: making interstellar travel possible within the next 100 years.  And I of course, in my self appointed role as a dedicated space nut, have been following along as best I can, thus my report herein.

We start with the 100 Year Star Ship project (100YSS), seeded by a DARPA (Defense Advanced Projects Agency) grant, and a few bucks from NASA as well.  Essentially, the 100 YSS is a project aimed at laying out potential designs for a manned spacecraft and its operating systems, a spacecraft capable of flying between the stars… and hopefully returning to Earth with the crew still alive and kicking.  For now at least, a thought experiment in “designing” a starship is a good bit different from actually attempting to build, and fly, a multi-year long interstellar mission in a totally unproven craft.  Essentially the plan is to examine the spaceflight technology available today… determine what can be used and what can’t… determine what technology we need to develop… and with those determinations in hand, point science and engineering in a useful direction.  Ergo Sum, in a hundred years or so we should have the technical ability to build an honest-to-gawd starship that would make Captain Kirk proud.  Nor is this the first project of its sort.  Space advocates will remember that during the 1970s a team from the British Interplanetary Society carried out the first serious engineering study of an interstellar vehicle, which they named Project Daedalus.  An unmanned probe, Daedalus was designed to fly a 50 year mission to the Centarus system.  Project Icarus is a theoretical design study aimed at designing a credible, mainly nuclear fusion powered unmanned interstellar space probe.  Motivated by Project Daedalus, Icarus began in September 2009, and is a currently ongoing project by an international team of scientists and engineers.  Project Longshot was a conceptual design by NASA and the US Naval Academy for an interstellar unmanned probe powered by a nuclear pulse engine, and intended to enter orbit around Alpha Centauri B.  Running during 1987-88, Longshot also utilized existing or near-term technology. 

None of these programs were actually intended to evolve into flying hardware, being nothing more than “thought experiments”.  I do however have hope for the 100YSS actually being built, at least in part.  It’s considering a long term manned mission, which by it’s very nature will require a large spacecraft with a lot of complex systems.  (I certainly wouldn’t want to spend ten or twenty years cooped up in a sardiene can with a few dozen other people!)  Such a manned craft would require a lot of on-board maintence, and an extensive life support system that could keep the crew supplied with fresh air, pottable water, food, and of course a waste disposal system.  By every indication all of this can be accomplished in space, for a very long time, with todays commonly available technology.  It will however require a lot more volume, a lot of power, and in all likelyhood a lot of labor.  And like everything else we’ve ever built, we won’t be certain of it’s functionality until we’ve actually tried it in space… for a number of years.

Providing the needed electrical power for this craft would be somewhat of a problem, as the currently popular solar arrays aren’t of much use once we get out past Mars, and the nuclear thermal batteries used in today’s deep space probes don’t provide nearly the power we’d need.  However, the solution to that problem is well within our capabilities as well.  In 1960, the US Air Force activated Sundance Air Force Station, about 6 miles from the town of Sundance, Wyoming.  A radar site, Sundance was powered by a PM-1 (Portable Medium Power - 1) transportable nuclear power plant developed by the US Army.  Operated by Air Force, Army, and Navy personnel, the PM-1 produced 1.25 megawatts of electricity without incident until the site was deactivated in 1968.  A second remote, portable reactor, the PM-3A, operated at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica from 1960 until it was deactivated in 1972, producing 1.75 megawatts.  You might also remember that the US Navy has safely been sailing a lot of nuclear powered ships since the 1950’s, and have a number of power reactors running today that can operate as much as fifty years without refueling.

Another well known problem that’s nearly been studied to death is that of deep space cosmic radiation.  Yet that also is nearly a solved problem.  Common polyethylene plastic is light weight and easily worked into whatever size and shape we might want.  It’s also proven to be one of the best radiation shielding materials yet devised, much superior to even the ever so popular lead.  Adding to that, various electromagnetic shielding schemes are under test today, and several are showing considerable promise.  The actual physical construction of such a spacecraft shouldn’t produce any real daunting difficulties either, or at least any more so than building a naval vessel here on earth.  (Probably less, considering all the engineering and construction pre-planning involved.)

So, if we were to build this spacecraft, just what do we do with it, aside from studying and tinkering with it, until its designers wouldn’t recognize it?   Well, we’ve got an entire solar system in our cosmic backyard that we haven’t properly explored yet, and what better way than to send out our big, manned, long term experimental spaceship, on an extended exploratory mission to the outer planets, with a crew of engineers and research scientists aboard.  What a shakedown cruise that would be, and it would prove, one way or another, that the various systems worked properly!

As to actually flying to the stars, we still seem to lack the necessary propulsion system, but even that’s in the works.  First, consider that the speed of light is approximately 186,000 miles, per second!  So if we think of that distance, times sixty seconds, times 60 minutes, times twenty-four hours, times three hundred and sixty five days… we arrive at having to travel quite at a few scadzillion miles to make up one light year.  (The “Light Year” being one yardstick of interstellar distances.)  Now, the Alpha Centauri star system, Earth’s nearest neighbor, lies at about 4.37 light years distant.  At the approximately 1% of the speed of light that we can theoretically reach with today’s propulsion technology, we’re looking at a very long trip!  But… oh that magic but… A “warp drive”, able to achieve faster-than-light travel, may not be as unrealistic as we once though.  Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubierre suggested a concept for a real-life warp drive in 1994, that takes advantage of a loophole in the laws of realitivity preventing anything from moving faster than light.  With this concept of “warping” space-time itself, a spacecraft should be able to achieve a speed of about 10 times that of light, with the “warping” effect being a sneaky way of sidesteping Albert Einstein’s cosmic speed limit.  This concept was pretty well ignored by scientists at first, due to the prohibitively huge amount of energy required.  (Somewhat along the lines of instantenously turning the equivlent mass of Jupiter into energy…  without blowing a large hole in this end of the Galaxy!)  Now however, physicists have determined that the proposed drive, suitably modified, could run on significantly less energy, taking the idea from the realm of science fiction to the realm of hard science.  The warp drive itself would involve a football-shape spacecraft attached to a large donut shaped ring of “exotic matter” encircling it. The ring, properly activated, would cause space-time to warp around the starship, creating a region of contracted space in front of it and expanded space behind, effectively allowing the ship to run “downhill”.  (Please don’t ask me about the math involved!)  I don’t know what exotic matter is either, but remember, DARPA has put their money on us taking one hundred years to plan and develop a means of pushing mankind into interstellar space, and to a neighboring star. 

Ex-NASA astronaut Mae Jemison, head of the 100YSS project, stated "For me, the main impetus is: there's more for us. We are at an inflection point in human evolution and human history.  Do we stay in one place? Or do we move like the amphibians that moved to the land way back in our evolutionary past? Do we move beyond this cradle?" 

Traveling to another star may sound like science fiction right now, and the technology needed may seem impossible at the moment, but consider how today’s spaceflight would have appeared to Orville and Wilbur Wright in 1903.  And yet a mere sixty-three years after men first spread their wings at Kitty Hawk, other men set foot on another cosmic body.  We've already taken the first steps into interplanetary space; so how long until we go interstellar? 

"That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind."
Niel Armstrong, Apollo 11

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Lamps

On the eve of World War I, British foreign secretary Sir Edward Grey stated, "The lamps are going out all over Europe. We shall not see them lit again in our time."  The lamps Mr. Gray spoke of were freedom and peace.  Today, to paraphrase Sir Gray, “The lamps are going out all over the Mid-East”.

When the “Arab Spring” broke out on December 18th, 2010, the western world rejoiced as despotic rulers were forced from power in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen, along with the ongoing civil uprisings in Bahrain and Syria, considering these revolts to be the birth pangs of democracy in the region.  With considerable western aid which Messrs. Sarkozy, Cameron, and Obama told the world they were sending purely out of the goodness of their hearts, the Libyan revolutionaries were able to depose Moammar Gaddafi, probably the worst of the lot, and replace him with… who?

Once again the west had assumed that the peoples of these long suffering countries would welcome the demise of authoritarian rule, despite their ages long history of tribal and theocratic dictatorship, and don’t forget our ten years of experience with Islamic fundimentalism in Iraq.  Where western humanitarian intervention takes place and accomplishes something that the local Arabs cannot seem to do for themselves, do we have the right to tell ourselves that the “rescued wretched slaves” are automatically going to jump to our tune?  Do we really have the right to expect them to start singing the Marseillaise, and asking for copies of the Magna Carta?  (I won’t mention their asking for billions in American foreign aid, as that’s nearly an automatic reaction in today’s Arab world.)  Was Washington really foolish enough to believe that the Libyans were fighting for a chance to be just like us?  Probably, yet that’s no more foolish than our notion that the Afghan and Iraqi peoples would all stand up when American troops arrived and clamor for copies of our Constitution!  Elections were eventually organized in Libya to give legitimacy to a revolutionary assembly, and getting the electric power back on.  That assembly included Islamist agitators who had been quite overt during the civil war, and the impact of their continued agitation has not been diminished by letting a national assembly get in the way.  With trans-national networks and financial support, arms caches, and a simple message – “Islam is the answer” – these agitators could take their appeal to a weary people with little confidence in the new regime.  But who are these people so quickly assuming power and taking over the Arab Spring nations?

Recent US administrations have been seemingly unable to grasp the sources and motivation of the Islamic political movement… not as if the information to understand it is unavailable.  Since the 1920s Islamic scholars and intellectuals have laid out a record of what they think is wrong with Islamic society and what can be done about it.  The “Muslim Brotherhood” was formed in Egypt during the 1920’s, by one Hassan al-Banna, an Islamic scholar and schoolteacher.  The brotherhood’s credo was, and is, "Allah is our objective; the Quran is our law, the Prophet is our leader; Jihad is our way; and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations."  The Brotherhood's stated goal is to instill the Qur’an, Hadiths, and Sunnah as the "sole reference point for ... ordering the life of the Muslim family, individual, community ... and state".  Its most famous slogan, used worldwide, is "Islam is the solution."  The movement officially opposes violent means to achieve its goals, although its paramilitary wing has been involved in numerous massacres, bombings and assassinations of political opponents, including it’s founder al-Banna.
The attacks against the U.S. embassies in Libya and Egypt seem to have brought about mass confusion in the halls of the US government, and generated near hysteria in the world’s media, with everyone seemingly contradicting each other.  However, the attacks were from all indications planned far in advance by the Muslim Brotherhood, and it would seem that the Egyptian president (an admitted Muslim Brotherhood member) had foreknowledge of these attack plans. The White House and State Department were warned of impending attacks a week prior!  So, why then was nothing done to prevent these attacks?  According to the government reports, and many somewhat hysterical news reports, the embassy attacks were a “spontaneous reaction” to an obscure anti-Muslim film called “Innocence of Muslims”.  Originally linked to an “American-Israeli-Jew” producer, this low budget video was hastily created with bad costumes and fake backdrops. According to cast members, they believed the film to be about something entirely different than their lines portray, lines they claim to have never said.  Tentatively, the creation and “distribution” of the video has been linked to one Nakoula Bassily Nakoula, reportedly a Coptic Christian Egyptian native with numerous aliases, and who is on a conditional release from prison.  Additionally, nobody seems to know if he’s even an American citizen. 

Another interesting item here are the news reports that the attackers were armed with, among other things, 20mm anti-aircraft cannon!  Certainly not a weapon I would expect to be carried by the run-of-the-mill Arabic mob out for an evening’s entertainment!  AK-47’s and RPG’s I can understand, as they’re nearly household items in the mid-east, but anti-aircraft guns are an entirely different story, and indicate considerable advanced planning.

U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, murdered alongside three aides, paid the price of our administration and foreign policy establishment’s unwillingness to understand political Islam.  Even our experienced foreign policy officers insist on following the notion that Islam is a religion of Peace, and that Islamic societies can be reformed along Western lines.  President G.W. Bush thought he was a crusader for democratic self-determination.  Obama, following Jimmy Carter’s lead, seems to think of himself as a champion of human rights.  Both found it impossible to understand that their ideas are of no interest to Islamist theoreticians and militants. They, despite all the hand wringing and pious bleating of our loony left, are at war with the west, in the best tradition of Islamic teachings.

An Islamic mob stormed our embassy in Libya, killing our ambassador and dragging his body through the streets. Hours earlier, more than 2,000 Egyptian protesters gathered at our embassy in Cairo where many tried to scale its walls.  Muslim fanatics in Sudan attacked the German embassy.  US embassies in Tunis and Yemen were assaulted.  Riots have exploded in the rest of the Islamic world as well.  Strangely enough, all this was exactly on the eleventh anniversary of al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attack on the US, with the timing and coordination of these attacks over such a widespread area telling me at least, that this wasn't about a video, it’s about a caliphate.  Along with all our other problems, the US Government, and the American people, better understand that fact.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Remember when?

I received an interesting e-mail from an old friend a few days back that brings up a number of interesting points about Mr. Obama’s “accomplishments” over the last four years.  It also managed to prove once again that Mr. O’s doings are definitely bad for my blood pressure!  I guess the anointed one and his supporters are rather proud of themselves however, with what they’ve managed to do to our nation despite the objections of the majority of the American people, and the (said somewhat tongue in cheek) “opposition” of mainstream Republicans. 

I can remember back to the days when a conservative war hero sat in the White House, and our nation was in the midst of those dark, threatening days of the cold war.  Yet the economy was thriving… people had jobs, Mom didn’t have to balance working and her family to make ends meet, we were building a national highway system second to none, the post office could send a letter clear across the country for three cents and still show a profit, gasoline was 25 or so cents a gallon, illegal immigration was effectively a non-existent problem, criminals were in jail instead of in government, and the only “terrorist” I knew of was that big mean kid living down the street.  With all this our national debt was diminishing!  The nation was in the midst of a “golden age” that we still fondly look back on, where schools taught patriotism, churches taught morality, John Wayne was our movie hero, and we were proud to be Americans.  But then, things do change…

Do ‘ya remember when… Mr. Obama refused to disclose who donated money to his election campaign, and then it became known that multi-billionaire Marxist George Soros had spent gobs of money to get him elected?  Or do you remember when he received glowing political endorsements from people like Farrakhan, Kaddafi, and Hugo Chavez, along with his radical friends Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn… and people said that it didn't matter.

Do you remember when…  He refused to wear a flag lapel pin in honor of the Americans killed on 9/11, and did so only after a public outcry, or when he stood with his hands over his groin for the playing of the National Anthem and the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance… or when he claimed he was a Christian during the election, and tapes later surfaced showing the man with three Muslim names speaking to a Muslim group stating that he was raised a Muslim, was educated as a Muslim, and is still a Muslim… and people said it didn't matter?  When, as President of the United States, he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia and to the Emperor of Japan while traveling around the world criticizing America and apologizing for our greatness…  Or do you perchance remember when his personal background was so well hidden that nothing could be found out about him… or when the place of his birth was questioned, and he refused to produce a birth certificate… and people thought nothing of it.

How about when… he surrounded himself with advisors who were pro-gun control, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage and who wanted to curtail freedom of speech to silence the opposition.  When he said he favors sex education in kindergarten, including homosexual indoctrination, or when his followers started treating him as a Messiah, or when children in schools were being taught to sing his praises… and Americans said it didn't matter

Do you remember when he started appointing White House “Czars” that are radicals, revolutionaries, and even avowed Marxist /Communists.  When he appointed a Science Czar who believes in forced abortions, mass sterilizations, and seizing newborn babies from un-wed teen mothers…  When he selected a Regulatory Czar who believes in harvesting human organs without family consent.  When he appointed the homosexual organizer of a group called Gay, Lesbian, Straight, and Education Network, as our Safe School Czar?  Or appointed as Diversity Czar a man who believes in curtailing free speech, and who supports Hugo Chavez.  When he selected an avowed Socialist as Senior White House Advisor, when his White House Communications Director said Mao Tse Tung was her favorite philosopher and the person she turned to most for inspiration, when his pick for Health and Human Services Secretary could not be confirmed because he was a tax cheat… and people still said it didn't matter.

Do you remember when… he started spending us into a national debt that’s so big we’ll probably never get it paid off, when he generated another huge spending bill under the guise of stimulus and used it to pay off the various organizations, unions, and individuals that got him elected…  When he took over our nations insurance companies, car companies, banks, etc., and set into motion a plan to take over the control of all energy production in the United States through his Cap and Trade scheme… and Americans said it didn't matter.

Do you remember… his radical plan (now the law of the land), to take over the nations entire health care system and put it under government control, giving us a Soviet Union style socialized medical care system complete with rationing and death panels… and people still think it doesn’t matter.  How about when he signed the executive orders setting into place his capability to bypass Congress at will, and totally take over every means of transportation, communications, production, banking, and even individual property rights… and people said it doesn’t matter.

So what does matter?!  Well, I remember when he stood before the Nation and told us that the United States was the greatest country in the world, and that his intentions were to "fundamentally transform this Nation" into something else.  Add these accomplishments up one by one and you get a huge score attesting to the fact that Barrack Hussein Obama is determined to turn America into “just another” third-world Marxist-Socialist society.  Even as we contemplate the upcoming election, he has nearly completed transforming us into the ‘United Socialist States of America’, with himself as our first Premier, a place where our hallowed Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and our precious liberty, are only a vague memory.   

If the American voter allows Mr. O to continue with his “master plan” this November, people will finally begin to remember that it does matter… but by then it will be far too late.

Freedoms Pledge

For a number of years now we have been hearing about the dissolution of our distinctly American euro-centric culture, and the high value of “Cultural Diversity” in our lives today.  Most of this spiel seems to be coming from the liberal left, so I of course will take the statement with a grain of salt  In part at least, I’ll agree that our American culture is coming apart at the seams, but I certainly don’t agree that all this diversity is a good or desirable thing.  In describing our American identity, author Samuel P. Huntington attempted to reject the concept that America is “a nation of immigrants.” He gets a bit picky with sematics, claiming that America's founders were not immigrants, but settlers, since our origional forebearers came to North America to establish a new society.  Well, Okay, but I’ll bet the Indians that met the Mayflower would dispute that statement.  Later peoples joining the origional colonists were indeed immigrants according to Mr. Huntington.  To avoid a literary donnybrooke with assorted left wing English professors, I’ll give Mr. Huntington the point, but I still doubt the Indians will! 

I’ll further agree with his claim that the political and legal institutions created here in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were in large part based on the legal practices of England’s sixteenth and seventeenth century.  These included the concept of the law being superior to the government (which England inherited from the Romans), the division of executive, legislative, and judicial functions within the government, a two-house legislature, the responsibility of legislators to their local constituencies, and a reliance on militia rather than a standing army for defense.  While abiding with that, any new immigrants were expected to become law abiding, english speaking citizens, no matter where they came from, what the color their skin, or what religion they happened to follow.  For well over two hundred years that system served us well.

By the 1960s our uniquely American identity had begun to disappear as a result of several mildly interconnected factors.  The beginning of economic globalization and the easing of the Cold War reduced the importance of a national identity.  Candidates for political offices began to stress ethnic conflicts in an effort to win over particular groups of voters.  There was (and remains today) a strong desire among the various ethnic leaders to enhance the status of their particular group, and thus their personal status within that group.  There was and remains the problem of legal (and quite loose) interpretation of Congressional acts, that lead to their execution in ways not necessarily what their framers intended.  The feelings of “sympathy and guilt” for historic “wrongs” is taught by self-proclaimed academic elites and intellectuals, while assorted ethnic appologies are encouraged, and severe changes to our immigration laws are demanded.  To that I’ll add that our drug induced utopian “counter culture” hasn’t helped things either.  Huntington further considerd other ways in which America’s identity has weakened, including the denationalization of business, professional, intellectual, and academic elites, and the influence of intense non-english speaking immigration.  By “denationalization” Huntington means that “new” Americans do not think of themselves citizens of the United States, but merely as temporary residents.  Huntington further proposes a solution to these problems, arguing that unless Americans “participate in American life, learn America’s language, history, and customs, absorb America’s Anglo-Protestant culture, and identify primarily with America rather than with their country of birth”, our once proud nation won’t be here much longer.

Apparently this general idea has been around for quite some time.  During the 160th anniversary year of the signing of the U.S. Constitution, then Attorney General Tom C. Clark presented President Harry S. Truman with the idea for a nationwide display of our nations greatest treasures, something that was eventually called the “Freedom Train”, that would travel around the country carrying historical documents and artifacts for all Americans to see.  Envisioned as a way to reawaken Americans to their taken-for-granted liberty in the years following WW II, President Truman approved the idea, and the Freedom Train was soon (1947 – 1949) visiting every state in the union, spreading the “Spirit of ’76.”

Never before had any nation contemplated sending on tour its treasures and national symbols.  For 413 days the train was the temporary home of America's most precious documents, including the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, one of the 13 original copies of the Constitution, the Emancipation Proclamation, the Gettysburg Address, and the Iwo Jima flag.  Among the 127 documents and six historical flags on board, the train carried many treasures that were the earliest inspirations for American liberty.  Some were from a distant and oppressive age, when there was little or no consideration for the rights of ordinary men, such as an original copy of the Magna Carta, written in 1215 as the first guarantee of the Rights of Englishmen, much of which became part of our law as well.  Other documents included the first guarantees of individual rights to freedom of speech and of religion dating from Colonial days.  Others proclaimed women’s rights, and racial equality.  Many of the displays aboard the train had never left Washington D.C. before, nor have they since.  These and other historic symbols were reminders of just how precious freedom is, and the price Americans have paid to keep it.

When the train made its stops, organizers urged visitors to recite the “Freedom Pledge” and sign its scroll.  While most Americans know the Pledge of Allegiance by heart, not many of us are familiar with this lesser known Freedom Pledge:

The Freedom Pledge

I am an American.  A free American.
Free to speak – without fear.
Free to worship my own God.
Free to stand for what I think right.
Free to oppose what I believe wrong.
Free to choose those who govern my country.
This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold,
for myself and all mankind.

While this proud pledge was quite meaningful to our citizens in the late 1940s and early 1950s, most Americans today have no idea of what it means.  Our educational system certainly doesn’t appear to be teaching Americanism, and today’s parents don’t seem to be making much of an effort either.  We have I think, lost our way both as a nation and as a people.  Perhaps it’s time for another “Freedom Train” carrying the meaning of “America” to all our citizens, explaining, and urging a repeat of, freedom’s pledge.

Monday, July 30, 2012


Not long back I was told that I should "get mad" about my subject material.  The following, "Enjoy the party?" is what happens when I do get upset.  Kinda windy ain't I?  ;-)

Enjoy the party?

There are three kinds of men. The ones that learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.
Well folks, I hope you enjoyed the party, as it may well have been our last holiday celebrating American independence and the birth of our free nation.  No matter how you celebrated, or what you believe, you by now recognize that a major change in American life and our political system is quickly approaching.  If this process continues, it'll completely change how you, and the rest of the world, see America.  It'll change how you live, where you work, what you eat, where you shop, how you travel, how you worship, and indeed, how you obey your new masters.

The facts are these; Mr. Obama has gone out of his way to divide this country in a manner unseen since the days of the civil war.  In line with his apparent Marxist/Fascist worldview he has split our people on economic lines, he has divided us politically even more than we were in 1860, and he has been busily separating us from our various religious beliefs.  “His” government is pitting the “takers” against the “producers” in a form of class warfare we’ve never seen before, and is rapidly accelerating the taking of our individual wealth such as it may be, and giving it to somebody else, all in the name of “sharing the wealth”.  His taxes are forcing American business to move overseas to survive, and leaving American jobs behind.  He has spent us into a totally unprecedented national debt that we’ll be centuries paying off.  He antagonizes our friends, and cozies up to our mortal enemies.  He has subverted the mainstream media, which now happily “twist the facts” to his advantage, while demonizing any and all political opposition.  He ignores the “inconvenient” provisions of our Constitution and declares that revered document to be an outdated relic of the past.  He now informs us that Americans did not succeed at building much of anything by their own effort, and that only “the government” made our great nation possible.  Skillfully utilizing our laws and the mistakes of the past to his advantage, he has set us up for a complete takeover of our government, turning us into a Hitlerian state with himself at the helm and his cronies as our new socialistic commissars.  And now he expects us to reward him for all this in the November elections!

Think about it, since taking office, Obama has made himself a dictator in all but name.  He appoints “Czars” answerable only to him, directing the nation’s day to day business, ignoring both Congress and our law.  His “Obamacare” program opens the door for the government to order us to do just about anything a bureaucratic mind wants, with no legal recourse.  He controls the media, and through it he can control what we think!  He now has a number of new programs in the pipeline that will go into effect in January 2013, just in time for a second term in office. The economic burden and increased taxes on everyone will be enough to cause a complete economic collapse, at which time he can declare Martial Law and assume complete dictatorial control of this once free nation.

Many Americans assume that the armed forces would refuse to cooperate with such a takeover, and I’m sure that many of our soldiers will so refuse.  However, personnel cutbacks, allowing homosexuals to serve, and a changing retirement program is causing many servicemen to leave the military.  It’s been noted that they are being replaced with a large increase in the enlistment of radical Muslims and illegal aliens, people with no allegiance to the provisions of our constitution. These “new” soldiers, loyal only to their paymaster, are equipped with our most modern weapons and receive extensive training in their use.  (Ahh… we don’t have any idea of how many of them there, who they are, or what positions they hold.)  And please don’t think that we’re going to have another revolution either, American citizens may be armed, but we don’t have near the weapons that even the poorest Islamic revolutionaries have in their fight for freedom.    Our few deer rifles and shotguns aren’t going to be very effective in a fight against Abrams tanks, attack helicopters, and guided missiles!

Under Mr. Obama, the Department of Justice has happily been subverting federal laws to strip us of any number of freedoms.  Many federal courts have been loaded with left wing socialist judges that rule in Obama's favor on virtually anything, thus ending constitutional rule and law.  When Congress doesn’t immediately roll over and do his bidding, he simply bypasses them by using executive orders to accomplish whatever it is that he wishes.  This has set the stage for dissolving Congress, and would not be the first time in history that a dictator took control of a nation by dismissing a more or less powerless legislature.  

By effectively using a pliant media, Mr. Obama has been anesthetizing the public to the danger he poses.  The American people ignore the changes he has already brought about, and won't have a clue to what happened until they wake up one morning and realize that a free America has been replaced with a regime that parallels those of Stalin, Mao, and Castro.  Former presidential candidate Rick Santorum told a group of people in Iowa that "Barack Obama is not incompetent, ladies and gentleman. He knows exactly what he's doing and why he's doing it.  He sees America differently than you or I see America."  Indeed, Mr. Obama gives every indication of actively hating American exceptionalism and our premier position in today’s world.  He seems to object to our defense of human rights and individual freedom around the world.  He, and his minions object to the high degree of freedom and independence American citizens are supposed to be enjoying.  So… he’s hard at work attempting to destroy it all.

We’re seeing more and more of the real Barack Obama as Election Day draws close.  And what we see is an angry far left radical hiding behind the mask of Hope and Change.  His remark; “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.  Somebody else made that happen” is astonishing, and is somewhat similar to the Department of Homeland Security report claiming that pro-life citizens, returning military personnel, gun-owners, Ron Paul supporters, Christians, and just about everybody else in the "Red States" can be classified as domestic terrorists to potentially be locked away in internment camps.  Words like this represent a declaration of war on our American way of life and even the concept of private property. They tell every citizen, every businessman, and every property owner, that the fruits of your labor are not yours, and that government and those whom it claims to represent are free to appropriate your property at their will.  Now we see Obama standing firmly in the line of radical thinkers going back to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who claimed that owning private property is theft from the masses.  (A concept picked up and used by Karl Marx you might note.)  Obama wants us to believe that “If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own.”  Because (goes the argument), your success depends on roads and bridges and police and fire departments and the labor of your employees.  What you own, Mr. Obama is saying, is a public holding subject to his rules of “fairness” and “common good.”   Even though you paid the taxes that paid for those roads and bridges, and you paid wages to those employees, it all, even your home, belongs to “them”, not you.  It doesn’t just gut the concept of private property; it opens the door to complete social chaos.   

Barack Obama and his minions are often described as Socialists, or in the extreme as Marxists, and I have done so myself.  Bill O’Reilly calls him a “Social Justice Anti-capitalist”.  Whatever, his actions are beginning to appear to be more a modern copy of a fascist economic system than a socialist system… the modern version of Nazi fascism without the militarism of Germany in the 1930s.  Socialism seeks control of an economy through state ownership of the means of production and income, with all valuate going directly to the state.  Fascism, an off-shoot of socialism, seeks the same control by “state domination” of private ownership, and limits individual wealth by severe taxation.  Thus, in a fascist state, when something goes right, the “benevolent government” can take the credit.  When things go wrong, it’s all the fault of those evil private businessmen, for not doing as the all knowing state directed.   

We face another “plot” dear to the heart of the radical left in "AGENDA 21”, another UN plan supported by the Obama regime that proposes an array of actions intended to be implemented by (perhaps I should say ‘against’) every person on earth.  Effectively, Agenda 21 is a reorientation of human society and a redeployment of Earth’s human and economic resources, a plan that will turn the United States into a massive planning and zoning district and internationally controlled third world sub-state. It does nothing less than turn the United States, and indeed the world, over to the EPA and various echofreak groups, to establish "international norms" of personal behavior, dictated by a handful of elitists who believe they know best how people ought to live.  This one decrees where you will live and work, it even goes so far as to decree how much and of what you will eat!
As part of his plan for “change”, Mr. Obama has called for the establishment of a national police force to combat crime and internal terrorism.  It’s to be a parallel our armed forces, nearly as large, to be just as well armed, and answerable of course only to the presidency.  (Shades of the Nazi Gestapo and the black shirted SS!)  To make things easier for his personal police force, he now has his Secretary of State sidestepping the Second Amendment, and negotiating with the UN to disarm American citizens!  With the so-called "Small Arms Treaty" the gun-grabbers are coming clean with what they want...  full-scale international firearm registration, soon to be followed by confiscation, particularly in the U.S. which is one of very few countries with a constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms.  So, the United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs states, "Insurgents, armed gang members, pirates, terrorists - they can all multiply their force through the use of unlawfully acquired firepower."  The UN fails to mention that the weaponry of those groups was produced by and for the old Soviet Bloc, and are now being sold around the world by the very people who control this “Office of Disarmament Affairs”!  People who happen to see your gun rights as a "loophole" in the international arms trade, even though US law denies you the right to have a machine gun or rocket launcher!  You might also have noticed that the “Fast and Furious” fiasco was directed by the Obama regime, not by American gun owners or the NRA.  And of course, Second Amendment supporters have been labeled as "domestic terrorists" in Janet Napolitano's Homeland Security report.  According to the United Nations, the US government needs to crack down on the Second Amendment, and then everything will be fine in the world… and Mr. Obama is only too willing to oblige.

While we don’t think about it much, the American people are being watched, tracked and monitored more today than at any other point in history.  The growth of technology has given governments, police, and spy agencies the monitoring tools that dictators of the past could only dream of.   Today we have to deal with “pre-crime” surveillance cameras that use body language to spot criminals.  We have unmanned drones watching us from far above.  Street light cameras, and cell phones are, and our home appliances may soon be, spying on us in this hi-tech world!  We are rapidly heading into an era where there is no such thing as privacy, where government has become an all-invasive means of controlling every moment of our lives.  Our world is changing at a breathtaking rate, and most of those changes are not for the better.  The days of  Orwell’s “Big Brother” have finally arrived.

It’s crucial to the freedom we all enjoy that the American voter resoundingly defeats Mr. Obama and his cohorts in the November election.  If Team Obama wins the election, we can expect to see a flood of unwanted changes hit us head-on in January.  If he looses… well… I have little faith in politicians, so I can only hope that the victor will reverse the course we’re presently on.  But, it’s still possible that between the election and Inauguration Day he might use the power of Executive Orders… to declare the election null and void… suspend the Constitution… dissolve Congress… and become America’s sole ruler.  Will this happen?  I don’t know.  But it certainly could happen!

I hope you enjoyed the fireworks, the parades, the hot dogs and beer over the fourth.  I for not looking forward to next year, as the Fourth of July became a rather ironic holiday with the passage of the Patriot Act, and now, with the upholding of Obamacare and all it portends, our Independence Day has become little more than a sick joke.

A free America... means just this: individual freedom for all, rich or poor, or else this system of government we call democracy is only an expedient to enslave man to the machine and make him like it.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Freedom isn't Free

Edmund Burke
A long time ago I heard the comment “That’s the sound of freedom” in response to a complaint about the noise caused by Air Force jet fighter aircraft taking off.  I don’t know who origionally thought up that idiom, but it’s one I fully agree with, and have always remembered.  Years of close exposure to those jet engine noises has cost me most of my hearing unfortunately, but I think that’s a small price to pay for that which I value so highly, the freedom of every American.  Another idiom that says much the same to me is “Freedom isn’t Free” (This one was authored by Colonel Walter Hitchcock, USAF, Retired), that expresses gratitude for the sacrifices made by members of the military through the years of our nations existance.  Written as a poem by Cdr. Kelly Strong, USCG Ret, the later half goes something like this;

“I heard the sound of taps one night,
When everything was still
I listened to the bugler play
and felt a sudden chill.
I wondered just how many times
That taps had meant "Amen,"
When a flag had draped a coffin
Of a brother or a friend.
I thought of all the children,
of the mothers and the wives,
of fathers, sons and husbands
with interrupted lives.
I thought about a graveyard
At the bottom of the sea
Of unmarked graves in
No, freedom isn't free.”

Quite so… retaining the freedom enjoyed by Americans has been very expensive over the years, but we must also remember that the service and sacrifice of our servicmen isn’t the only thing that makes us a free nation.  There was the wisdom and foresight of the men who gave us our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, men who pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, to give our flegling nation a start.  There are the untold multitudes who gave their all to push back the frontier and gave our young nation room to grow.  Countless public figures have served us and the nation well through the decades, joined by the millions of young men who guarded us from those who, jealous of our freedom, would destroy us.  Or consider the three quarters of a million young men who gave their lives during our civil war, proving to all and sundry that freedom and liberty are for all Americans, and that freedom is the cornerstone of all that America stands for.  You might think of the young men who marched off in two great wars to prove once again that America was a most terrible enemy of tyrany wherever it raised it’s ugly head.  And of the women left behind, who worked the farms and factories so necessary to forge the critically needed weapons of war.  There, in all those Americans, you will find the effort and sacrifice made by the American people for the last 236 years.    

No, freedom is not free, and today the price we must pay is eternal vigalance.  Our world is full of greedy, evil men whose only wish is to be powerful at our expense.  It is our duty as citizens of this great land to stand guard against such people and their plots against our liberty.  It is for us, the citizens of America, to root out the oh-so-many enemies of our nation, enemies both foreign and domestic, who wish nothing less than to see us enslaved, subjected to their every whim, and our free nation not even a memory.  Far to many Americans, some of them elected officials, some educators, others merely common people who know no better, expect us to believe the fuzzy thinking, the failed political theories, warped morality, and the outright lies spread by those evil people, in hopes of changing the very things that make us a free nation.  Innocent American lives are being taken everyday, and our precious freedoms steadily eroded, because some people just want to be powerful. 

The leaders of our country from long past fought against great odds for the rights that make up our treasured freedoms.  Freedoms that form the basis of the Constitution which has bound us together as a nation for over two hundred years.  Today these rights are being twisted into totally unrecognizable form, and used in courtrooms, schools, our neighborhoods, and even our nation’s highest office, to strip us of our rights.  It's hard to realize that today, while many countries around the world continue to fight for any basic freedom, Americans seem so willing to surrender our rights to powerful men in the name of “safety” and “security”.  

America is in deep trouble today, and unless we soon begin selecting leaders who believe in American values, my grandchildren will live in a third world country, a mere parody of the America I remember.  This situation is enough to break an old soldiers heart.  We served to protect our Constitution, the nation’s freedom, and the greatness of our country, and yet Americans today constantly elect people to high office who only desire to take that freedom away from us.  And it’s all happening without our even putting up a fight!  I’m constantly heard bemoaning the fact that we lack leaders with high moral courage and values.  (In some cases, any morals or values!)  Consider, in today’s world, where Americans are so absorbed in the antics of assorted celebrities, where greed overshadows morality, where our young people are not even taught our history or just what it is that America stands for, we expect inspired leadership.  Yet can we really expect to see, just in the nick of time, another Jefferson or Franklin, Lincoln or Reagan riding forth on a white horse to defeat those evil men and lead us into the promised land?  Or will we, the citizens of this failing nation, have to do it the hard way, one vote at a time, all by our lonely selves? 

If George Washington were alive today, and could see what has happened to the founding fathers dream, he’d probably sue us for calling him “The Father of the Country”.